Romualdas Juknelevičius
Mokslinių publikacijų sąrašas
Tarptautinėse duomenų bazėse referuojamuose mokslo leidiniuose paskelbti straipsniai
Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) duomenų bazės Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) arba Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) referuojamuose leidiniuose, turinčiuose cituojamumo rodiklį (JIF, angl. Journal Impact Factor)
2025 - Pukalskas Saugirdas; Vipartas Tadas; Rimkus Alfredas; Kriaučiūnas Donatas; Žaglinskis Justas; Stravinskas Saulius; Ušinskas Andrius; Juknelevičius Romualdas; Mejeras Gabrielius; Žuraulis Vidas; Mejeras Vilius; Narkevičius Aleksas. Numerical modelling assessment of the impact of hydrogen on the energy and environmental performance of a car using dual fuel (gasoline–hydrogen).
Applied sciences. Basel: MDPI. ISSN 2076-3417.
vol. 15, iss. 4 (2025), p. 1-22[Aut.lankų sk.: 1.571]
2023 - Szwaja Stanislaw; Gruca Michal; Pyrc Michal; Juknelevičius Romualdas. Glycerol as an anti-knock additive and secondary fuel as a substitute for gasoline-based fuels for the IC engine.
Energies. Basel: MDPI.
vol. 16, iss. 13 (2023), p. 1-15. [ 003; T 009] [Aut.lankų sk.: 1.071]
2021 - Szwaja Stanislaw; Gruca Michal; Pyrc Michal; Juknelevičius Romualdas. Performance and exhaust emissions of a spark ignition internal combustion engine fed with butanol–glycerol blend.
Energies. Basel: MDPI.
vol. 14, iss. 20 (2021), p. 1-12. [ 003; T 009] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.857]
2021 - Pyrc Michał; Gruca Michał; Jamrozik Arkadiusz; Tutak Wojciech; Juknelevičius Romualdas. An experimental investigation of the performance, emission and combustion stability of compression ignition engine powered by diesel and ammonia solution (NH4OH).
International journal of engine research. London: SAGE. ISSN 1468-0874.
vol. 22, iss. 8 (2021), p. 2639-2653. [ 009] [Aut.lankų sk.: 1.071]
2019 - Juknelevičius Romualdas; Rimkus Alfredas; Pukalskas Saugirdas; Matijošius Jonas. Research of performance and emission indicators of the compression-ignition engine powered by hydrogen - Diesel mixtures.
International journal of hydrogen energy. Oxford: Elsevier. ISSN 0360-3199.
vol. 44, iss. 20 (2019), p. 10129-10138. [ 003] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.714]
2019 - Juknelevičius Romualdas; Szwaja Stanislaw; Pyrc Michal; Gruca Michal. Influence of hydrogen co-combustion with diesel fuel on performance, smoke and combustion phases in the compression ignition engine.
International journal of hydrogen energy. Oxford: Elsevier. ISSN 0360-3199.
vol. 44, iss. 34 (2019), p. 19026-19034. [ 003] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.643]
2017 - Mehra Roopesh Kumar; Duan Hao; Juknelevičius Romualdas; Ma Fanhua; Li Junyin. Progress in hydrogen enriched compressed natural gas (HCNG) internal combustion engines - a comprehensive review.
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews. Oxford: Elsevier. ISSN 1364-0321.
Vol. 80 (2017), p. 1458-1498. [ 003] [Aut.lankų sk.: 2.929]
Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) duomenų bazės Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) arba Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI) referuojamuose leidiniuose, ir turinčiuose, ir neturinčiuose cituojamumo rodiklio (JIF, angl. Journal Impact Factor), arba Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) arba Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) referuojamuose leidiniuose, neturinčiuose cituojamumo rodiklio (JIF, angl. Journal Impact Factor)
2021 - Juknelevičius Romualdas; Rimkus Alfredas; Pukalskas Saugirdas; Szwaja Stanislaw. Investigation of performance and emission parameters of hydroxygen (HHO)-enriched diesel fuel with water injection in the compression ignition engine.
Clean technologies. Basel: MDPI. ISSN 2571-8797.
vol. 3, iss. 3 (2021), p. 537-562. [ 003; T 009] [Aut.lankų sk.: 1.857]
2021 - Szwaja Magdalena; Chwist Mariusz; Szwaja Stanislaw; Juknelevičius Romualdas. Impact of pyrolysis oil addition to ethanol on combustion in the internal combustion spark ignition engine.
Clean technologies. Basel: MDPI.
vol. 3, iss. 2 (2021), p. 450-461. [ 003; T 009] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.857]
Kitose tarptautinėse duomenų bazėse referuojamuose leidiniuose
2018 - Rimkus Alfredas; Juknelevičius Romualdas. RME CO-combustion with hydrogen in compression ignition engine: performance, efficiency and emissions.
Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis: Transporto inžinerija ir vadyba = Science – Future of Lithuania: Transport engineering and management. Vilnius: VGTU leidykla Technika. ISSN 2029-2341.
vol. 10 (2018), p. 1-9. [ 003] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.643]
2018 - Juknelevičius Romualdas. Experimental investigations of hydrogen effects on performance and emissions of renewable diesel fueled RCCI.
Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis: Transporto inžinerija ir vadyba = Science – Future of Lithuania: Transport engineering and management. Vilnius: VGTU leidykla Technika. ISSN 2029-2341.
vol. 10 (2018), p. 1-10. [ 003] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.714]
Kituose recenzuojamuose mokslo leidiniuose paskelbti straipsniai
Periodiniuose ir vienkartiniuose leidiniuose
2018 - Juknelevičius Romualdas; Mehra Roopesh Kumar; Ma Fanhua; Szwaja Stanislaw. In-cylinder combustion analysis of a SI engine fuelled with hydrogen enriched compressed natural gas (HCNG): engine performance, efficiency and emissions.
Journal of KONES: powertrain and transport. Warsaw: Institute of Aviation. ISSN 1231-4005.
vol. 25, iss. 3 (2018), p. 253-260. [ 003] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.571]
2018 - Rimkus Alfredas; Pukalskas Saugirdas; Juknelevičius Romualdas; Matijošius Jonas; Kriaučiūnas Donatas. Evaluating combustion, performance and emission characteristics of CI engine operating on diesel fuel enriched with HHO gas.
Journal of KONES: powertrain and transport. Warsaw: Institute of Aviation. ISSN 1231-4005.
vol. 25, iss. 2 (2018), p. 303-312. [ 003] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.714]
2018 - Juknelevičius Romualdas; Szwaja Stanislaw; Pyrc Michal; Gruca Michal; Pukalskas Saugirdas. Combustion of RME – diesel and NExBTL – diesel blends with hydrogen in the compression ignition engine.
Journal of KONES: powertrain and transport. Warsaw: Institute of Aviation. ISSN 1231-4005.
vol. 25, iss. 3 (2018), p. 261-274. [ 003] [Aut.lankų sk.: 1.000]
Mokslinių konferencijų darbų leidiniuose paskelbti straipsniai
Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) duomenų bazės Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) referuojamuose konferencijų darbų leidiniuose
2022 - Miškinytė Ugnė; Juknelevičius Romualdas. Quality research of edge banding of unit furniture.
IOP conference series: Materials science and engineering. 16th international conference: Mechatronic systems and materials (MSM 2021), 30.06 - 02.07.2021, Vilnius, Lithuania. Bristol: IOP Publishing. ISSN 1757-8981.
vol. 1239 (2022), p. 2-7. [ 008; T 009] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.429]
2018 - Juknelevičius Romualdas; Szwaja Stanislaw; Pukalskas Saugirdas. Influence of hydrogen co-combustion with HVO on performance, emissions and combustion in the compression ignition Engine.
Transport means 2018: proceedings of the 22nd international scientific conference, October 03–05, 2018 Trakai, Lithuania. Part 1. Kaunas: Kaunas University of Technology, 2018. ISSN 1822-296X, p. 395-405. [ 003] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.786]
2016 - Rimkus Alfredas; Berioza Modestas; Melaika Mindaugas; Juknelevičius Romualdas; Bogdanovičius Zenonas. Improvement of the compression-ignition engine indicators using dual fuel (diesel and liquefied petroleum gas).
Procedia Engineering. TRANSBALTICA 2015: proccedings of the 9th international scientific conference, May 7–8, 2015. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISSN 1877-7058.
Vol. 134 (2016), p. 30-39. [ 003] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.714]
Tik Scopus (Elsevier) duomenų bazėje referuojamuose konferencijų darbų leidiniuose
2023 - Smolskas Tomas; Juknelevičius Romualdas. Finite element analysis of the tank semi-trailer‘s frame on road irregularities and liquid sloshing conditions.
TRANSBALTICA XIII: Transportation Science and Technology. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference TRANSBALTICA, September 15-16, 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania. Cham: Springer, 2023. ISBN 9783031258626, p. 309-326. [ 003; T 009] [Aut.lankų sk.: 1.286]
2018 - Mehra Roopesh Kumar; Ma Fanhua; Hao Duan; Juknelevičius Romualdas. Study of turbulent entrainment quasi-dimensional combustion model for HCNG engines with variable ignition timings.
SAE technical papers. Warrendale, Penn: SAE International. ISSN 0148-7191.
, art. no. 2018-01-1687, p. 1-15. [ 003] [Aut.lankų sk.: 1.071]
2018 - Juknelevičius Romualdas; Szwaja Stanislaw; Pyrc Michal; Gruca Michal. Biomass based oil and hydrogen co-combustion in the compression ignition engine.
IOP conference series: Materials science and engineering. International automotive conference (KONMOT2018), 13–14 September 2018, Krakow, Poland. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing. ISSN 1757-8981.
vol. 421 (2018), p. 1-10. [ 003] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.714]
Recenzuojamuose konferencijų darbų leidiniuose, nereferuojamuose tarptautinėse duomenų bazėse
2025 - Tretjakovas Jurijus; Juknelevičius Romualdas. The analysis of bending momentin connecting rod caps for internal combustion engines.
TRANSBALTICA XV: Transportation Science and Technology : proceedings of the 15th international conference TRANSBALTICA, September 19-20, 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania. Cham: Springer Nature, 2025. ISSN 2523-3440, p. 1-10[Aut.lankų sk.: 0.714]
2022 - Juknelevičius Romualdas. Influence of hydrogen volume fraction on co-combustion of hydrogen with RME-diesel and PRO Diesel™ blends in CI engine.
10th international conference "Fuel science - from production to propulsion", May 10-12, 2022, Aachen, Germany. Aachen: RWTH Aachen University, 2022, p. 1-2. [ 006; T 009] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.143]
2022 - Juknelevičius Romualdas. Exhaust emissions at the co-combustion of biomass-based biofuels and hydrogen in a compression ignition engine.
19. FAD-Konferenz "Herausforderung - Abgasnachbehandlung". Beitrage 3.11-4.11.2022 in Dresden. Dresden: Förderkreis Abgasnachbehandlungstechnologien für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen (FAD) e.V., 2022. ISSN 2199-8973, p. 69-79. [ 001; T 009] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.786]
2013 - Pukalskas Saugirdas; Zautra Rytis; Nagurnas Saulius; Matijošius Jonas; Švelnia Virginijus; Vėgneris Ričardas; Žuraulis Vidas; Juknelevičius Romualdas. Research of efficiency of catalytic converters in automobiles with an Otto engine.
TRANSBALTICA 2013 : the 8th International Conference May 9–10, 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers. Vilnius: Technika, 2013. ISSN 2029-2376, p. 169-172. [ 003; T 004] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.286]
Kituose leidiniuose publikuotos konferencijų pranešimų tezės
2021 - Miškinytė Ugnė; Juknelevičius Romualdas. Quality research of edge banding of unit furniture.
The 16th International Conference "Mechatronic Systems and Materials" (MSM 2021), July 1–2, 2021, Vilnius Tech, Vilnius, Lithuania : abstract book. Vilnius: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2021, p. 15. [ 008; T 009] [Aut.lankų sk.: 0.071]
Kitos knygos ir jų dalys, disertacijos
2019 - Juknelevičius Romualdas. Research on biodiesel and hydrogen co-combustion process in compression ignition engine. Vilnius: Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto leidykla "Technika", 2019. [ 003] [Aut.lankų sk.: 11.714]
Studijų literatūra
Mokomosios knygos
2024 - Juknelevičius Romualdas; Rimkus Alfredas. Keturtakčio vidaus degimo variklio projektavimas : mokomoji knyga. Vilnius: Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, 2024[Aut.lankų sk.: 10.200]
2022 - Juknelevičius Romualdas. Manual of bachelor’s final thesis. Vilnius: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2022. [ 009] [Aut.lankų sk.: 2.800]