International Scientific Conference "Business and Management"
Vilnius, LT
Vilnius, LT
May 12, 2022 – May 13, 2022
Important: Online Conference Proceedings 2010 - 2022 have been included in Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), which is an integrated index within Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics.
Vilnius, LT
Vilnius, LT
May 7, 2020 – May 8, 2020
Important notice – update!
Dear Conference Participants,
Considering the risks of COVID-19, the Organizing Committee has decided to
cancel the11th International Scientific Conference "Business and Management
2020 ".
The conference organisers are suggesting: to publish the electronic
conference proceedings and trying to put them in international databases (in
the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science ISI Proceedings, Scopus databases).
Authors, accepting this offer, will be charged 100 Eur per one article
(until 20 April 2020). Also, the possibility of provision of your manuscript
to the journal partners of the Conference stays, the best articles will be
selected by the decision of Conference Scientific Committee and if the
author agrees, will be provided for the journals. However, for some of the
journals, additional cost applied by the policies of a particular journal
will appear.
If there are authors who have paid the full conference fee and do not wish
to publish their article in the electronic conference proceedings the
conference organizers will refund them the full conference fee when they
send the request by email.
Regarding the refunding of the registration fee (for those who had made the
We kindly ask you to send the following information as soon as possible:
- the exact name and surname of the beneficiary;
- bank name;
- SWIFT code of the bank;
- beneficiary's bank account number (if in EU countries - it will be IBAN
No., if not in EU - ordinary bank no.)
If there are authors who have paid the full conference fee and are
interested in publishing their article the conference organizers will refund
them 100 Euro less.
Please make the final decision until 20 April 2020.
The participation fee has to be paid to:
Account no.: LT76 7044 0600 0031 7763
Bank: SEB Bankas
We regret the inconveniences that might be caused by participants and
speakers. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
We wish you, your families, colleagues and friends to stay safe!
Sincerely yours,
The Organizing Committee of "Business and Management 2020"
Considering the risks of COVID-19, the Organizing Committee has decided to
cancel the11th International Scientific Conference "Business and Management
2020 ".
The conference organisers are suggesting: to publish the electronic
conference proceedings and trying to put them in international databases (in
the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science ISI Proceedings, Scopus databases).
Authors, accepting this offer, will be charged 100 Eur per one article
(until 20 April 2020). Also, the possibility of provision of your manuscript
to the journal partners of the Conference stays, the best articles will be
selected by the decision of Conference Scientific Committee and if the
author agrees, will be provided for the journals. However, for some of the
journals, additional cost applied by the policies of a particular journal
will appear.
If there are authors who have paid the full conference fee and do not wish
to publish their article in the electronic conference proceedings the
conference organizers will refund them the full conference fee when they
send the request by email.
Regarding the refunding of the registration fee (for those who had made the
We kindly ask you to send the following information as soon as possible:
- the exact name and surname of the beneficiary;
- bank name;
- SWIFT code of the bank;
- beneficiary's bank account number (if in EU countries - it will be IBAN
No., if not in EU - ordinary bank no.)
If there are authors who have paid the full conference fee and are
interested in publishing their article the conference organizers will refund
them 100 Euro less.
Please make the final decision until 20 April 2020.
The participation fee has to be paid to:
Account no.: LT76 7044 0600 0031 7763
Bank: SEB Bankas
We regret the inconveniences that might be caused by participants and
speakers. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
We wish you, your families, colleagues and friends to stay safe!
Sincerely yours,
The Organizing Committee of "Business and Management 2020"
The Conference is biannual.
Online Conference Proceedings 2006 - 2016 are included into Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) which is integrated index within Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics.
Abstracts are due to February 29, 2020.
Full articles are due to February 29, 2020
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
SaulÄ—tekio Ave. 11, LT-10223
Vilnius, LT
SaulÄ—tekio Ave. 11, LT-10223
Vilnius, LT
May 3, 2018 – May 4, 2018
We are delighted to invite you to take part in the 10th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2018 (BM-2018)” that is hosted by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania). The Conference is taking place on May 3-4 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The BM-2018 Conference provides a great opportunity for academicians to share their knowledge, exchange ideas and to discuss results of the conducted research. What is more, the Conference offers a platform where scientists could extend the list of their contacts in order to expand a personal scientific network.
Abstract and application submission: until February 28, 2018
Conference Topics:
- Contemporary Issues in Economics Engineering
- Business Technologies and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
- Social, Legal and Economic Business Environment
- Contemporary Business Management: Challenges and Opportunities
- Financial Engineering
The conference proceedings will be submitted for possible inclusion in the scientific database Web of Science.
The Proceedings of the BM Conferences from 4th to 9th have been included in Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) which is integrated index within Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Vilnius, LT
Vilnius, LT
May 12, 2016 – May 13, 2016
We would like to invite you to participate in the 9th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2016” that will be organized at the Faculty of Business Management at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University on May 12-13, 2016. The basic objective of the Conference – to bring together researchers, scientists for scientific discussion about the ongoing changes in economics and management in the context of globalization and to discuss up-to-date problems of business and management. The Conference will provide an opportunity for scientists, managers and professionals from around the world to sum up the achievements and to highlight the problems. Hence, the Conference will be an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues, to exchange knowledge and experience, and to extend your list of contacts. The conference proceedings will be submitted for possible inclusion into scientific databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, Proquest, Ebsco, Gale, DOAB.
Each paper should clearly indicate the nature of its scientific contribution, the problems or environments to which it is applicable. Organisers will use plagiarism detection system Crosscheck (iThenticate) to screen submitted papers for originality, so only original papers should be submitted.
ISSN 2029-4441 / eISSN 2029-929X
Vilnius, LT
Vilnius, LT
We would like to invite you to participate in the 8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014” that will be organized in Faculty of Business Management of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University on 15-16th of May, 2014. The basic objective of the conference – to bring together researchers, scientists for a corporate scientific discussion about the ongoing changes in economics and management occurring throughout businesses and studying processes in the context of nowadays globalisation.
The conference is focused to discuss up-to-date problems of business and management. The Conference will provide an opportunity for scientists, managers and professionals from around the world to sum up the achievements and to highlight the problems. Such a Conference would be an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues, to exchange knowledge and experience, and to extend your list of contacts.
The selected papers of the conference are published online by VGTU Press Technika, on June 2014.
ISSN 2029-4441 / eISSN 2029-929X
ISBN 978-609-457-650-8 / eISBN 978-609-457-649-2
Vilnius, LT
Vilnius, LT
November 1, 2017 – November 2, 2017
For the last ten years the Faculty of Business Management at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University has organised six successful international scientific conferences to discuss up-to-date problems of business and management. The basic objective of the conference – to bring together researchers, scientists for a corporate scientific discussion about the ongoing changes in economics and management occurring throughout businesses and studying processes in the context of nowadays globalisation.
The 6th International Conference on Business and Management, held in Vilnius, 2010, was attended by scientists from more than 24 countries. The selected papers of the last three conferences were published and included in the international ISI proceedings database.
The 6th International Conference on Business and Management, held in Vilnius, 2010, was attended by scientists from more than 24 countries. The selected papers of the last three conferences were published and included in the international ISI proceedings database.
We intend to organise the 7th International Conference in Vilnius, 10-11 May, 2012 . The Conference will provide an opportunity for scientists, managers and professionals from around the world to sum up the achievements and to highlight the problems. Such a Conference would be an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues, to exchange knowledge and experience, and to extend your list of contacts.
7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”: selected papers
ISBN 978-609-457-116-9
ISSN 2029-4441 print / 2029-929X online