Išmanių ir klimatui neutralių kompetencijų centras
Išmanių ir klimatui neutralių kompetencijų centro naujienos
Garage48 Digital Construction 2021
Garage48 Digital Construction 2021
Garage48 Digital Construction 2021 ONLINE and ON-SITE (Tallinn and Helsinki) hackathon, taking place on Sept 24-26th, is open for REGISTRATION AND IDEAS SUBMISSION! Participation is for free and you can register without an idea and join a team that has one or with an idea and form a team with skilled individuals who are looking for an idea to work on.
Put your skills to test and prototype your ideas in 48 hours, meet fellow talents, potential co-founders and teammates, and work together with industry leading experts (nearly 20 mentors on board and the list is expanding!) who will support you in the process!
We invite architects, developers, BIM specialists, contractors, building materials producers, software engineers, UI/UX designers, data scientists, business visionaries, and marketers internationally!
We invite participants to solve the following challenges. Nevertheless, you're also welcome to propose any other idea that contributes to the digitalization of the sector.
*** Win 1500€ *** Offsite-prefabricated deep energy renovation digital solutions.
*** Win 4000€ *** Accelerating user-driven services for the built environment: scaling up MyBuilding (OmaRakennus) demo.
*** Win 4000€ *** Accelerating the transition towards a carbon neutral built environment – Opportunities in the circular economy of buildings.
*** Win 5000€ *** Integrate your prototype and/or services with the existing e-construction platform of the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.
* Tickets to WDBE2021 Summit on September 28-29.
* A 4-week remote accelerator program by KIRAHub to further develop your project towards the New European Bauhaus goes Digital event.
* Fast-track participation to New European Bauhaus goes Digital.
* An opportunity to get potential project funding by the Ministry of Environment of Finland and RYHTI to further develop your solution (to be negotiated after the hackathon).
Ideas submission is open until September 19th, 23:59 EEST.
Team formation around the best ideas begins on September 21st.
Digital Construction 2021 hackathon is a pre-event for the World Summit on Digital Built Environment 2021, happening on September 28-29th online.
We invite architects, developers, BIM specialists, contractors, building materials producers, software engineers, UI/UX designers, data scientists, business visionaries, and marketers internationally!
We invite participants to solve the following challenges. Nevertheless, you're also welcome to propose any other idea that contributes to the digitalization of the sector.
*** Win 1500€ *** Offsite-prefabricated deep energy renovation digital solutions.
*** Win 4000€ *** Accelerating user-driven services for the built environment: scaling up MyBuilding (OmaRakennus) demo.
*** Win 4000€ *** Accelerating the transition towards a carbon neutral built environment – Opportunities in the circular economy of buildings.
*** Win 5000€ *** Integrate your prototype and/or services with the existing e-construction platform of the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.
*** Riigi Kinnisvara (State Real Estate) will give out a 3000€ prize for a team of their choice. ***
*** Nordecon Grand Prix 3000€ prize goes to the general winner of the hackathon.**** Tickets to WDBE2021 Summit on September 28-29.
* A 4-week remote accelerator program by KIRAHub to further develop your project towards the New European Bauhaus goes Digital event.
* Fast-track participation to New European Bauhaus goes Digital.
* An opportunity to get potential project funding by the Ministry of Environment of Finland and RYHTI to further develop your solution (to be negotiated after the hackathon).
Ideas submission is open until September 19th, 23:59 EEST.
Team formation around the best ideas begins on September 21st.
- For any additional questions contact us at crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmthZGlAZ2FyYWdlNDgub3JnIiBzdHlsZT0iY29sb3I6Ymx1ZTsgdGV4dC1kZWNvcmF0aW9uOnVuZGVybGluZSIgdGFyZ2V0PSJfYmxhbmsiPjxzcGFuIHN0eWxlPSJmb250LXNpemU6MTAuMHB0Ij48c3BhbiBzdHlsZT0iZm9udC1mYW1pbHk6JnF1b3Q7QXJpYWwmcXVvdDssc2Fucy1zZXJpZiI+a2FkaUBnYXJhZ2U0OC5vcmc8L3NwYW4+PC9zcGFuPjwvYT4=:xx
Digital Construction 2021 hackathon is a pre-event for the World Summit on Digital Built Environment 2021, happening on September 28-29th online.