Išmanių ir klimatui neutralių kompetencijų centras
Išmanių ir klimatui neutralių kompetencijų centro naujienos
Kviečiame dalyvauti EBSCO mokymuose birželio mėnesį
Kviečiame dalyvauti EBSCO mokymuose birželio mėnesį
Kviečiame dalyvauti EBSCO organizuojamuose nuotoliniuose mokymuose birželio mėnesį:
The problem of finding relevant search terms is a thing of the past!
Birželio 13 d. (antradienis) | 13:00 val. (40 min.) | Registracija »
The problem of finding relevant search terms is a thing of the past!
Birželio 13 d. (antradienis) | 13:00 val. (40 min.) | Registracija »
Having trouble finding the right search term? This training is for you! This will be a session dedicated to searching based on controlled vocabulary. We will show the differences in search results using a thesaurus compared to using natural language.
Improve your competency in searching for scientific publications on the EBSCOhost platform
Birželio 14 d. (trečiadienis) | 13:30 val. (40 min.) | Registracija »
An overview of the key options to narrow, refine or expand your search results on the EBSCOhost platform. We will look at the options, i.e., selecting a search mode, searching within full text, adjusting advanced settings. We will also show you how to build a search query to get the most relevant results.
How to save time with your personal MyEBSCO account?
Birželio 21 d. (trečiadienis) | 12:30 val. (30 min.) | Registracija »
A practical session during which we will show you how to set up a free account on the EBSCOhost platform. We will show you how to effectively save time by using many options of the platform, i.e., creating notifications, saving results and searches, organizing results into thematic folders.
Take an e-book on vacation
Birželio 28 d. (trečiadienis) | 11:00 val. (30 min.) | Registracija »
Practical training especially dedicated to public libraries where participants will learn how to:
- use EBSCO eBooks online
- download full e-books and chapters
- use e-books on smartphones, tablets and readers
- download and authorize Adobe Digital Editions