JMK Sustainable Environment
Information for the participants
Information for the participants
Submission of the article
- Instructions on how to prepare the manuscript can be downloaded here. The length of the article should be 4-6 pages.
- Please send your manuscript in Lithuanian (or English ) in Word (*.docx) format to: crypt:ZGEuam1rQHZpbG5pdXN0ZWNoLmx0:xx
- The deadline for submission is 24 February 2025.
- Authors are kindly requested to indicate [Section] - [Title of the article] in the subject line of the email (preferably the manuscript file should also have the same title).
- Articles (after positive reviews) will be selected for a poster or oral presentation. The articles with the best reviewer feedback will be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal listed in an international database (Index Copernicus). Each author must sign a licence agreement before the publication of their article.
Oral presentation
- Instructions on how to prepare an oral presentation can be downloaded here.
- The oral presentation will take approximately 10 minutes. It is recommended that the number of slides for the oral presentation be up to 15.
- Structure of the presentation: title, brief introduction, purpose of the work, research methodology, illustrative presentation of the research results, conclusions, contact details of participants (email address, etc.).
- It is recommended not to use a large amount of text and not to mix fonts. The font size of the text of the presentation should be at least 18 pt. The style of graphics and text layout should be kept the same throughout the report. Slides, tables and figures should be numbered. The colours of the graphs and charts should be different. Legends in figures should be easy to understand. Conclusions should be numbered and concise.
- Oral presentations should be sent to crypt:ZGEuam1rQHZpbG5pdXN0ZWNoLmx0:xx before the start of the conference.
Poster presentation
- Instructions on how to prepare a poster presentation can be downloaded here. The poster shall be laid out on a vertical sheet of at least A1 format (594 x 841 mm). The title of the presentation should appear at the top of the sheet and the aim and results of the study below.
- The conference participant should be able to get an overview of the material by looking at the poster and read the written text easily. It is recommended to use a font size of at least 24 pt and to leave at least one line spacing between lines. Text in a poster presentation should take up no more than 50% of the page space. Only the titles of the presentation and the most important parts or elements of the presentation should be in capital letters.
- Illustrations (tables, figures and photographs) may vary in size, but should be clearly visible and legible.
- On the day of the conference, when registering, participants must deliver their printed posters to the organisers, who will arrange for their display at the designated place.
- Page administrators:
- Violeta Misevičiūtė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė
- Jelena Kabulova
- Daiva Versekėnienė