Creative spaces
Factory spaces are unique. It accommodates various projects, conferences, cultural and educational events. At VILNIUS TECH "LinkMenu fabrikas" you will find three types of spaces: offices, lounges and a hangar. Read more about each of them below.
If your ideas can't be defined in one word - let's get in touch, we will help to turn them into reality!
If your ideas can't be defined in one word - let's get in touch, we will help to turn them into reality!
Idea generating bureaus
VILNIUS TECH "LinkMenų fabrikas" goal is to encourage representatives of different areas to develop and implement ideas together. The factory has seven offices for generating ideas(Idee fixe, Clever ideas, Brainstorming, Genius, Ideas, Mind, Intellect).

- Page administrators:
- Greta Markūnaitė
- Monika Grinevičiūtė
- Lina Pečiūrė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė