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VILNIUS TECH improved its position in the QS World University Rankings
VILNIUS TECH improved its position in the QS World University Rankings
The QS World University Rankings 2023 was published on June 8th. VILNIUS TECH performed in the 701-750 rank range. Compared to last year, the university has improved its position in the influential rankings and is second among Lithuanian universities.
The QS World University Rankings are based on six key ranking indicators such as Academic Reputation, Employer Reputation, Faculty Student, Citations per Faculty, International Faculty, and International Students.
At 429th place globally, the Faculty Student is the strongest indicator for VILNIUS TECH (the university rose by 42 positions compared to last year). The Employer Reputation has also improved significantly – the university rose by 76 positions to 446th place.
The university also performed well in two internationalisation categories.
QS has been ranking the world's top universities since 2004.
The QS World University Rankings are based on six key ranking indicators such as Academic Reputation, Employer Reputation, Faculty Student, Citations per Faculty, International Faculty, and International Students.
At 429th place globally, the Faculty Student is the strongest indicator for VILNIUS TECH (the university rose by 42 positions compared to last year). The Employer Reputation has also improved significantly – the university rose by 76 positions to 446th place.
The university also performed well in two internationalisation categories.
QS has been ranking the world's top universities since 2004.