International Conference "Visuality"
The biennial international interdisciplinary scientific conference “Visuality” is organized by the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies (VILNIUS TECH Faculty of Creative Industries). The event attracts participants from various European and other countries: the USA, Australia, Brazil, Columbia, Taiwan, Brunei, England, France, Italy, Portugal, Finland, Germany, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Poland, Latvia, Turkey, Ukraine, etc.
The conference deals with various aspects of visuality from communication and media, philosophical, sociological, cultural, psychological, political, educational, technological, arts, creative industries etc. perspectives.
Both Lithuanian and foreign peer-reviewed articles, based on the conference reports, will be published in international research journals „Filosofija. Sociologija“ (Eng. "Philosophy. Sociology") and "Creativity Studies".
The Organizing Committee proudly announces that Call for Papers on International Conference Visuality 2025: Social Innovations for Sustainability Communication is now open.
In recent decades, scholars (Mitchel 1994; Wiesenberg and Verčič 2021; Greiffenhagen and Watson 2009; Wiesenberg and Verčič 2021) claim that a broadly post-structuralist interest in language and textuality (often referred to as ‘linguistic turn’) had given way to a new interest in the notion of visuality. Since language could not offer a full explanation of reality, cultural theorists were united in their increasing emphasis on the power of the visuals in art, science, culture, public and indeed, everyday life. In other words, visuality is intertextual, cross-sectoral and coextensive space in which we live, interact, innovate and communicate (Kačerauskas and Mickūnas 2021).
Among the most important aspects of the above-mentioned space there are the multiple challenges of sustainability emerging and requiring quick and effective solutions in various areas of the contemporary world and society. Those areas involve not only industry, environmental protection, civil engineering, transport and urban development but also economics, business, management, education; local, regional and global politics, social policy, health care, cultural heritage protection, creative and cultural industries, R&D, citizen science etc. Addressing and overcoming of the above-mentioned challenges and issues demand the effective sustainability communication which, in turn, requires the appropriate social innovations. The participants on the conference are kindly invited to analyze all the aforementioned as well as related topics, questions and problems in the frames of multidisciplinary context including communication and media studies, philosophy, sociology, educational studies, political sciences, philology, linguistics, psychology, arts and technology studies, business, economics and management studies, urban studies etc.
Mitchel, W. J. T. 1994. Picture Theory: Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation.
Kačerauskas, T., and Mickūnas, A. 2021. In between communication theories through one hundred questions. Cham: Springer.
Greiffenhagen, C., and Watson, R. 2009. Visual repairables: analysing the work of repair in human–computer interaction. Visual Communication, 8(1), 65-90.
Wiesenberg, M., and Verčič, D. 2021. The status quo of the visual turn in public relations practice" Communications 46 (2): 229–252.
The biennial international interdisciplinary scientific conference “Visuality” is organized by the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies (VILNIUS TECH Faculty of Creative Industries). The event attracts participants from various European and other countries: the USA, Australia, Brazil, Columbia, Taiwan, Brunei, England, France, Italy, Portugal, Finland, Germany, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Poland, Latvia, Turkey, Ukraine, etc.
The conference deals with various aspects of visuality from communication and media, philosophical, sociological, cultural, psychological, political, educational, technological, arts, creative industries etc. perspectives.
Both Lithuanian and foreign peer-reviewed articles, based on the conference reports, will be published in international research journals „Filosofija. Sociologija“ (Eng. "Philosophy. Sociology") and "Creativity Studies".
The Organizing Committee proudly announces that Call for Papers on International Conference Visuality 2025: Social Innovations for Sustainability Communication is now open.
In recent decades, scholars (Mitchel 1994; Wiesenberg and Verčič 2021; Greiffenhagen and Watson 2009; Wiesenberg and Verčič 2021) claim that a broadly post-structuralist interest in language and textuality (often referred to as ‘linguistic turn’) had given way to a new interest in the notion of visuality. Since language could not offer a full explanation of reality, cultural theorists were united in their increasing emphasis on the power of the visuals in art, science, culture, public and indeed, everyday life. In other words, visuality is intertextual, cross-sectoral and coextensive space in which we live, interact, innovate and communicate (Kačerauskas and Mickūnas 2021).
Among the most important aspects of the above-mentioned space there are the multiple challenges of sustainability emerging and requiring quick and effective solutions in various areas of the contemporary world and society. Those areas involve not only industry, environmental protection, civil engineering, transport and urban development but also economics, business, management, education; local, regional and global politics, social policy, health care, cultural heritage protection, creative and cultural industries, R&D, citizen science etc. Addressing and overcoming of the above-mentioned challenges and issues demand the effective sustainability communication which, in turn, requires the appropriate social innovations. The participants on the conference are kindly invited to analyze all the aforementioned as well as related topics, questions and problems in the frames of multidisciplinary context including communication and media studies, philosophy, sociology, educational studies, political sciences, philology, linguistics, psychology, arts and technology studies, business, economics and management studies, urban studies etc.
Mitchel, W. J. T. 1994. Picture Theory: Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation.
Kačerauskas, T., and Mickūnas, A. 2021. In between communication theories through one hundred questions. Cham: Springer.
Greiffenhagen, C., and Watson, R. 2009. Visual repairables: analysing the work of repair in human–computer interaction. Visual Communication, 8(1), 65-90.
Wiesenberg, M., and Verčič, D. 2021. The status quo of the visual turn in public relations practice" Communications 46 (2): 229–252.
Key questions on visuality
Within the aforementioned theoretical frameworks and beyond, our conference will attempt to address the following questions about a number of various contexts of visuality as we understand them today:
- What role does visuality play in the social innovations?
- What aspects of social innovations do we have in creative industries?
- What are the philosophical aspects of sustainability?
- What social innovations are required for the effective sustainability communication?
- What is the relationship between visuality, media, sociability, politics and innovations, how are these areas connected?
- What are the aspects of visuality in the urban environment?
- What is the relationship between visuality, media education and public sphere?
- What implications does visuality have on sustainable social innovations?
- What aspects of sustainability do we have in visual media?
- What is the relationship between creativity and sustainability?
- Does visuality eliminate or encourage creativity in media?
- What are innovative methods for science communication and citizen engagement?
- What are aspects of visual communication’s ethics and ecology under the conditions of social change?
- What aspects of social innovations do we have in the creative society?
- Page administrators:
- Loreta Žilinskaitė
- Rita Šimienė
- Milda Gumbytė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė
- Jelena Kabulova
- Daiva Versekėnienė