- Pirmakursio gidas
- Skaitmeniniai ženkliukai
- Naujausia informacija
- Studijų programos
- Studijų kalendorius
- Studijų procesas
- Studijos ir praktika užsienyje
- Studijų teisės aktai ir dokumentai
- Dublikatai ir pažymos
- Neformaliųjų kompetencijų vertinimas ir pripažinimas
- Karjera studentams
- Studento pagalba studentui
- Studentams su individualiaisiais poreikiais
- Studentų atstovybė
- Studentų gyvenimas ir veikla
- Psichologinė pagalba studentams
- Dvasinė pagalba ir sielovada
- Studijų direkcijos kontaktai
- Studijų aplinka

Kviečiame susipažinti su informacija apie artėjančius renginius.
V International Science and Technology week in Zaragoza
The Faculty of Science and the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Zaragoza are organizing the V International Science and Technology Week (ISTWZ). It is a free program of activities aimed at inviting foreign science and technology students and exchange coordinators to get acquainted with the Faculty of Science and the School of Engineering and Architecture, as well as the university and the city of Zaragoza. The V ISTWZ will be held at the University of Zaragoza, from 3rd to 7th, July 2023. Events include technical presentations, visits to labs and research institutes, meetings with researchers, other science and technology related activities, cultural activities, tours of the city and an excursion to the Pyrenees. Registration and participation is free, and it includes accommodation for students, lunch and all activities related to the event. This will be the fifth edition of ISTWZ, after the great success of the 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022 editions.
Student participants must be between 18 and 25 years old and should be enrolled in a BSc or MSc related to Natural Sciences (including Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Optics), Mathematics, Engineering or Architecture, at any university having an exchange agreement with the University of Zaragoza in any field.
The number of participants is limited; in order to apply, students must fill a Registration form by May 20th. Detailed information and the Registration link can be found at
- Puslapio administratoriai:
- Lina Dragel
- Mantė Taser
- Nora Skaburskienė
- Ingrida Sys-Mureikienė
- Ieva Višnevskienė
- Aušra Teleišė
- Eligijus Gaižauskas
- Kristina Nogteva
- Neda Černiauskaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė
- Monika Daukintytė