Open lecture "Future of Heritage Through the Lens of Heritage Ecosystem" by assoc. prof. Rumi Okazaki
Open lecture "Future of Heritage Through the Lens of Heritage Ecosystem" by assoc. prof. Rumi Okazaki
2025-03-27 12:00
VILNIUS TECH Faculty of Architecture, 3.10

VILNIUS TECH Faculty of Architecture kindly invites to the Open lecture "Future of Heritage Through the Lens of Heritage Ecosystem" by assoc. prof. Rumi Okazaki on 27 March 12:00.
Heritage conservation in the 21st century faces evolving challenges that require a holistic and interconnected approach. The concept of the heritage ecosystem, as outlined in the Gunma Declaration (2025), provides a framework for understanding heritage as a dynamic network of tangible and intangible assets, human and non-human actors, and cultural, social, environmental, and economic values.
Lecture explores the case of the Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites in Japan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that played a pivotal role in the global silk industry.
Through the heritage ecosystem approach, the lecture examines how this industrial heritage can be sustained by reinforcing its connections with local communities, traditional knowledge, and emerging technologies. It highlights strategies for integrating conservation with innovation, ensuring that heritage sites remain relevant and resilient in a rapidly changing world.
By contextualizing Tomioka Silk Mill within broader heritage networks, the discussion aims to illustrate how the heritage ecosystem approach can shape the future of heritage, fostering sustainability, authenticity, and community engagement.
Gunma Declaration (2025)
RUMI OKAZAKI is an Associate Professor at School of Architecture, Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan). Okazaki holds PhD in Philosophy and is a member of numerous professional societes: ICOMOS Japan; Subcommittee for Africa Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage; Architectural Institute of Japan; SFJTI (Société Franco-Japonaise des Techiniques Industrielles); Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies; Japan-Africa Academic Network (JAAN).
27 March 2025, 12:00, Room 3.10
VILNIUS TECH Faculty of Architecture
Trakų st. 1, Vilnius
Lecture will be held in English. The event is free and open to all. Photography and filming may take place during the event.
- Puslapio administratoriai:
- Milda Mockūnaitė-Vitkienė
- Monika Daukintytė
- Neda Černiauskaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė
- Monika Daukintytė