Environmental Engineering
Department of Environmental Protection and Water Engineering
First Cycle. Bachelor's (Undergraduate) Studies
Second Cycle. Master's (Graduate) Studies
Third Cycle. Doctoral Studies
Dissertation topics of PhD students in the field of environmental engineering in the department of environmental protection and water engineering
Dissertation topic | Name and surname of the doctoral student | Supervisor | Entering year |
Scientific research and creation of sound scattering constructions using charcoal | Olga Khrystoslavenko | assoc. prof. dr. Raimondas Grubliauskas | 2016 |
Testing and development of acoustically effective constructions based on paper sludge waste | Tomas Astrauskas | assoc. prof. dr. Raimondas Grubliauskas | 2017 |
Research of efficiency and design of photobioabsorberium with microalgae suspension for cleaning biogas | Loreta Juškaitė | assoc. prof. dr. Alvydas Zagorskis | 2018 |
Research of acoustical properties of construction with rubber granulate | Tomas Vilniškis | assoc. prof. dr. Tomas Januševičius |
2018 |
Research and development of tertiary wastewater treatment unit based on sorption processes | Julita Šarko | Prof. dr. Aušra Mažeikienė | 2019 |
Research and modeling of tyre textile fibre waste use in acoustically effective construction | Robert Ružickij | assoc. prof. dr. Raimondas Grubliauskas | 2020 |
Research and development of sorption process for removal of technogenic pollutants from water | Monika Liugė | assoc. prof. dr. Dainius Paliulis | 2021 |
Research and development of the technology on disinfection compounds removal from stormwater | Ieva Andriulaitytė | Prof. dr. Marina Valentukevičienė | 2021 |
Development and research of properties of innovative and acoustically efficient constructions from recycled plastic | Andrej Naimušin | assoc. prof. dr. Tomas Januševičius | 2021 |
Scholarship and practice opportunities:
Baltech consortium scholarships practice abroad. More ...
Opportunities graduate practitioners to go to Sweden. If at least a little bit interesting, be sure to write crypt:ZWRpdGFAYXAudmd0dS5sdA==:xx
Internship in Germany
there will be more ...
Student Meeting in Copenhagen on climate and energy issues. Super exciting!
Creating Faculty Debate Club - more details at the next Faculty laikršatyje "Engineering." All who wish to join the club activities, we invite you to write your Katažinai Andrukonytei. email: crypt:dmd0dWRlYmF0ZUB5YWhvby5jb20=:xx
Scholarship and practice opportunities:
Baltech consortium scholarships practice abroad. More ...
Opportunities graduate practitioners to go to Sweden. If at least a little bit interesting, be sure to write crypt:ZWRpdGFAYXAudmd0dS5sdA==:xx
Internship in Germany
there will be more ...
Student Meeting in Copenhagen on climate and energy issues. Super exciting!
Creating Faculty Debate Club - more details at the next Faculty laikršatyje "Engineering." All who wish to join the club activities, we invite you to write your Katažinai Andrukonytei. email: crypt:dmd0dWRlYmF0ZUB5YWhvby5jb20=:xx
PlasTEP Summer School in Lithuania
PlasTEP Summer School/ Training Course
in Vilnius and Kaunas July 16th - July 27th, 2012
Plasma technology for environment protection
On behalf of the partners of the PlasTEP project we are pleased to announce the international interdisciplinary Summer School and Training Course on Plasma Technology for Environment Protection 2012. This year the summer school will take place in Lithuania. The hosts, the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and the Kaunas Technical University, are looking forward to welcome you!
The summer school will last for twelve days and include presentations and discussion groups led by international experts in the field of plasma technologies, combustion and environmental protection. In addition to the discussion programme, the students are divided into teams to undertake practical experiments on issues of importance within the plasma technological area. The time is also allocated for networking and for informal discussions with the assembled experts.
Participants that are leaving at the end of the twelfth day will have developed a network of contacts in the field of plasma technologies and environmental protection and will have gained a broad overview of the issues surrounding sustainable environmental technologies development and implementation
The participation and accomodation for summer school students is free of charge!
Download Programme (PDF/ 890 KB)
Download Application Form (PDF/ 700 KB)
Download Poster in full size (PDF/ 19 MB)
GEOCLIC – New Courses in Geospatial Engineering
GEOCLIC – “New Courses in Geospatial Engineering for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Ecosystems”

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH) has become partner for the new international project No. 619011-EPP-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “New Courses in Geospatial Engineering for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Ecosystems/GEOCLIC”, which is funded by the European Union (EU) Erasmus+ 2 program. Project type – multi-country project, thematic area – environment. The project is related to CBHE projects – capacity building in higher education. Project’s, which purpose is to strengthen the potential for higher education, start date is 15th of November 2020, the end date is 14th of November 2023, duration – 36 months. The GEOCLIC project aims to modernize curricula of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs in geospatial technologies, ensuring the environmental protection of coastal ecosystems using the latest technologies (global network of satellite-based dissemination systems GEONETCast; integrated GIS software – ILWIS and remote sensing and modelling technologies).
The strategic goal of the project is to improve the Caspian Sea ecosystem. The main goal is to train specialists in the fields of ecology, coastal engineering and management. Objectives: training of academic teachers; innovative curricula; development of the multidisciplinary research laboratory GEOLAB and the statistical software tool GEOCOF; pilot training; accreditation of curricula. Expected results: new/updated courses for Ist–IIIrd cycle studies in geospatial technologies and environmental monitoring of coastal ecosystems; creation of a new training environment GEOLAB and a virtual room CVE; retrained academic teachers; master classes and pilot training on new/updated curricula in GEOLAB and CVE; upgraded courses within GEOCOF.
The GEOCLIC consortium consists of 17 prestigious higher education institutions and international organisations from the EU and other countries. Project coordinator – Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, representative – Zaure Rakisheva. Program countries: Germany (2) – Technical University of Berlin, EXOLAUNCH GmbH; Romania (1) – Maritime University of Constanta; Lithuania (1) – Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Netherlands (1) – University of Twente. Partner countries: Kazakhstan (4), Azerbaijan (5) and Turkmenistan (3). All involved institutions are jointly responsible for the project implementation and the targeted usage of the grant.
Responsible Vilnius Tech division for project implementation – Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Institute of Environmental Protection. The project is administered and implemented by the following Vilnius Tech employees: project manager – Prof Dr Edita Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė, project researchers – Assoc Prof Dr Raimondas Grubliauskas, Assoc Prof Dr Teresė Leonavičienė, Assoc Prof Dr Jevgenijus Kirjackis and Dr Aleksandras Chlebnikovas, technical worker – doctoral student Luiza Usevičiūtė, administrator – Assoc Prof Dr Jolita Bradulienė, accountant – Lina Bražėnienė.
The strategic goal of the project is to improve the Caspian Sea ecosystem. The main goal is to train specialists in the fields of ecology, coastal engineering and management. Objectives: training of academic teachers; innovative curricula; development of the multidisciplinary research laboratory GEOLAB and the statistical software tool GEOCOF; pilot training; accreditation of curricula. Expected results: new/updated courses for Ist–IIIrd cycle studies in geospatial technologies and environmental monitoring of coastal ecosystems; creation of a new training environment GEOLAB and a virtual room CVE; retrained academic teachers; master classes and pilot training on new/updated curricula in GEOLAB and CVE; upgraded courses within GEOCOF.
The GEOCLIC consortium consists of 17 prestigious higher education institutions and international organisations from the EU and other countries. Project coordinator – Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, representative – Zaure Rakisheva. Program countries: Germany (2) – Technical University of Berlin, EXOLAUNCH GmbH; Romania (1) – Maritime University of Constanta; Lithuania (1) – Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Netherlands (1) – University of Twente. Partner countries: Kazakhstan (4), Azerbaijan (5) and Turkmenistan (3). All involved institutions are jointly responsible for the project implementation and the targeted usage of the grant.
Responsible Vilnius Tech division for project implementation – Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Institute of Environmental Protection. The project is administered and implemented by the following Vilnius Tech employees: project manager – Prof Dr Edita Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė, project researchers – Assoc Prof Dr Raimondas Grubliauskas, Assoc Prof Dr Teresė Leonavičienė, Assoc Prof Dr Jevgenijus Kirjackis and Dr Aleksandras Chlebnikovas, technical worker – doctoral student Luiza Usevičiūtė, administrator – Assoc Prof Dr Jolita Bradulienė, accountant – Lina Bražėnienė.
WWW&CE – Management and Technologies of Water, Waste Water, Waste and Circular Economy
Researcher: S.Vasarevičius; A.Zigmontienė; M.Valentukevičienė
Management and Technologies of Water, Waste Water, Waste and Circular Economy – ( acronym - WWW&CE), (2019-2022)
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The project develops tools according to work-based learning principles that are piloted and evaluated and later available for everyone’s use.
Management and Technologies of Water, Waste Water, Waste and Circular Economy – ( acronym - WWW&CE), (2019-2022)
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The project develops tools according to work-based learning principles that are piloted and evaluated and later available for everyone’s use.
- a training programme for strong learners in the initial vocational training,
- a program with six further vocational training courses,
- a train the trainer programme,
- an integration programme for the unemployed and
- a bachelor’s degree programme with 4 modules.
Tempus NETCENG is the international study project, which in line with the Bologna Process aims to create and develop new module programmes of the third cycle engineering educations in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine (“New model of the third cycle in engineering education due to Bologna Process in BY, RU, UA”). Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) is the coordinator of the project, project manager – Professor Pranas Baltrėnas, Department of Environmental Protection. Duration of the project is 36 months, from 1 December 2013 to 30 November 2016, and the total value of the project is 1352219,99 EUR.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University coordinates the activities of Tempus NETCENG project according to the work plan. Together with the other partners of the project from Europe (Berlin Technical University, Brunel University London and ECM Space technologies GmbH) VGTU shares knowledge, experiences and the examples of the best practice of the organization and implementation of the third cycle programmes. According to work plan of Tempus Netceng project, three summer schools were organized in European universities. The objectives of summer schools are to retrain the academic staff in new methodology. The teaching programmes are already worked out by the European universities. During trainings participants will be introduced to new curricula, learn new methods of teachings. The first summer school of Tempus NETCENG took place in Vilnius Gediminas Technical University on May 2015. The participants gained knowledge about the experience of conducting doctoral studies in Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, but also had a theoretical course on “Mathematical modelling of environmental processes” and participated in workshops, where the theoretical knowledge was applied practically by working with software’s of environmental processes modelling.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University coordinates the activities of Tempus NETCENG project according to the work plan. Together with the other partners of the project from Europe (Berlin Technical University, Brunel University London and ECM Space technologies GmbH) VGTU shares knowledge, experiences and the examples of the best practice of the organization and implementation of the third cycle programmes. According to work plan of Tempus Netceng project, three summer schools were organized in European universities. The objectives of summer schools are to retrain the academic staff in new methodology. The teaching programmes are already worked out by the European universities. During trainings participants will be introduced to new curricula, learn new methods of teachings. The first summer school of Tempus NETCENG took place in Vilnius Gediminas Technical University on May 2015. The participants gained knowledge about the experience of conducting doctoral studies in Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, but also had a theoretical course on “Mathematical modelling of environmental processes” and participated in workshops, where the theoretical knowledge was applied practically by working with software’s of environmental processes modelling.

Participants of summer school of Tempus NETCENG at Vilnius Gediminas technical university

NETCENG summer school participants in Material Solidification Lab at Brunel University London
In Brunel University London, teachings were conducted on June 2015. Here, more attention was paid to “Systems modelling and simulation”, “Power Electronics & Systems”, “Materials Science and Solidification Processing”. In addition, the lectures about “Theory and Practice in Research” were conducted.
In Berlin Technical University 2015 on July and August teachings related with “Navigation in transport systems”, “Sensoric in research” were conducted. Also the participants gained knowledge about the experience of Berlin Technical University in improving “Effective communication with groups” and gained knowledge that will help to succeed in the labor market.
Reviewing all the results of the summer schools of Tempus NETCENG, it should be noted, that over 100 representatives (doctoral students and their scientific supervisors) from higher education institutions of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus arrived into trainings. The shared experience of organization process of doctoral studies of European universities and theoretical, practical knowledge gained during the teachings will allow the participants of the project to further improve the quality of the engineering programmes of the third cycle in higher education institutions of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
In Brunel University London, teachings were conducted on June 2015. Here, more attention was paid to “Systems modelling and simulation”, “Power Electronics & Systems”, “Materials Science and Solidification Processing”. In addition, the lectures about “Theory and Practice in Research” were conducted.
In Berlin Technical University 2015 on July and August teachings related with “Navigation in transport systems”, “Sensoric in research” were conducted. Also the participants gained knowledge about the experience of Berlin Technical University in improving “Effective communication with groups” and gained knowledge that will help to succeed in the labor market.
Reviewing all the results of the summer schools of Tempus NETCENG, it should be noted, that over 100 representatives (doctoral students and their scientific supervisors) from higher education institutions of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus arrived into trainings. The shared experience of organization process of doctoral studies of European universities and theoretical, practical knowledge gained during the teachings will allow the participants of the project to further improve the quality of the engineering programmes of the third cycle in higher education institutions of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
More information about project: http://netceng.eu/

TEMPUS Promeng
The main features aim improving of Master Programmes in Electrical Engineering according the needs of modern society of target partner countries RU, UA and UZ bringing the universities closer to changing Labour Market and European Education Area.
According to the specific project objectives the following tangible Outputs and intangible Outcomes in the frames of development are planned:

- allow them to stay responsive to employers’ needs
- to ensure employability throughout professional lives of graduates.

- Review /analyse/ upgrade the current curricula in Electrical Engineering (MA) according to recent advances in the target field;
- Develop four new generic curricula (Applied informatics and data transmission systems;
- CAD /CAM/CAE for Electrical Engineering;
- Quality Engineering;
- Environment management and Engineering)
- five modules
- Problem solving for Engineers;
- Modelling of production systems;
- Re-Engineering;
- Audit and Certification according ISO;
- Soft skills for Engineers) with integrated supporting infrastructure (laboratories and PC pools);
- Retrain academic staff in the new curricula methodologies/ train of the non academic teachers / mentors from partner enterprises;
- Pilot teaching /operation;
- Establish ELM Offices (Engineers in Labour Market) with stakeholders support.
- Page administrators:
- Tomas Žemaitis
- Lina Damanskaitė
- Laura Ladietaitė
- Karolina Kardokaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė