Institute of Environmental Protection
We are one of the leaders of VILNIUS TECH and the Faculty of Environmental Engineering in terms of commissioned works, the stability of the scope of which is ensured by the prevailing orders from state institutions, private companies and municipalities and the long-term trust of the clients.
We carry out high-level scientific research and experimental development work. In order to improve the qualifications of scientists to disseminate research results, we participate in international scientific conferences.
In developing environmental technologies, we cooperate and will continue to cooperate with partners from Germany, the United Kingdom, the USA, Switzerland, France, Poland, Ukraine and other countries of the world.
The aim and vision of the institute is to restore and preserve a healthy natural environment for present and future generations, and by ensuring high quality and competence in creating scientific production, designing new generation technological devices, carrying out environmental expertise and audits, to occupy a leading position among institutions of this kind in Lithuania and abroad.
Institute was the first at VILNIUS TECH to receive a patent from the European Patent Office for the created biofilter of a plate structure with a capillary charge irrigation system. The developed more advanced biotechnology will help to regulate the amount of specific gaseous pollutants released in the industry and to solve the extremely urgent global problem of mitigating climate change.
The Institute of Environmental Protection has an accredited Laboratory of Environmental Protection and Working Conditions, part of the conducted research is accredited by the National Accreditation Bureau, and part is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency.
We carry out high-level scientific research and experimental development work. In order to improve the qualifications of scientists to disseminate research results, we participate in international scientific conferences.
In developing environmental technologies, we cooperate and will continue to cooperate with partners from Germany, the United Kingdom, the USA, Switzerland, France, Poland, Ukraine and other countries of the world.
The aim and vision of the institute is to restore and preserve a healthy natural environment for present and future generations, and by ensuring high quality and competence in creating scientific production, designing new generation technological devices, carrying out environmental expertise and audits, to occupy a leading position among institutions of this kind in Lithuania and abroad.
Institute was the first at VILNIUS TECH to receive a patent from the European Patent Office for the created biofilter of a plate structure with a capillary charge irrigation system. The developed more advanced biotechnology will help to regulate the amount of specific gaseous pollutants released in the industry and to solve the extremely urgent global problem of mitigating climate change.
The Institute of Environmental Protection has an accredited Laboratory of Environmental Protection and Working Conditions, part of the conducted research is accredited by the National Accreditation Bureau, and part is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Reasearch Institute of Environmental Protection was founded in 27th June 2020.
Heads of the Environmental Protection Institute:
Heads of the Environmental Protection Institute:
- 2002 - 2015 the bright memory prof. habil. dr. Pranas Baltrėnas,
- 2015 - 2019, Assoc. prof. Raimondas Grubliauskas,
- from 2019 - Assoc. prof. Tomas Janusevičius.
Information will be available soon
TRAINING of management staff and specialists in waste management of companies that collect, transport, store and process hazardous waste
Training is conducted in Lithuanian.
More information here
More information here
Scientific researches
Information will be available soon
Announcements / News / Other information
Study Project
GEOCLIC – “New Courses in Geospatial Engineering for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Ecosystems”
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius Tech) has become partner for the new international project No. 619011-EPP-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “New Courses in Geospatial Engineering for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Ecosystems/GEOCLIC”, which is funded by the European Union (EU) Erasmus+ 2 program. Project type – multi-country project, thematic area – environment. The project is related to CBHE projects – capacity building in higher education. Project’s, which purpose is to strengthen the potential for higher education, start date is 15th of November 2020, the end date is 14th of November 2023, duration – 36 months. The GEOCLIC project aims to modernize curricula of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs in geospatial technologies, ensuring the environmental protection of coastal ecosystems using the latest technologies (global network of satellite-based dissemination systems GEONETCast; integrated GIS software – ILWIS and remote sensing and modelling technologies).
The strategic goal of the project is to improve the Caspian Sea ecosystem. The main goal is to train specialists in the fields of ecology, coastal engineering and management. Objectives: training of academic teachers; innovative curricula; development of the multidisciplinary research laboratory GEOLAB and the statistical software tool GEOCOF; pilot training; accreditation of curricula. Expected results: new/updated courses for Ist–IIIrd cycle studies in geospatial technologies and environmental monitoring of coastal ecosystems; creation of a new training environment GEOLAB and a virtual room CVE; retrained academic teachers; master classes and pilot training on new/updated curricula in GEOLAB and CVE; upgraded courses within GEOCOF.
The GEOCLIC consortium consists of 17 prestigious higher education institutions and international organisations from the EU and other countries. Project coordinator – Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, representative – Zaure Rakisheva. Program countries: Germany (2) – Technical University of Berlin, EXOLAUNCH GmbH; Romania (1) – Maritime University of Constanta; Lithuania (1) – Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Netherlands (1) – University of Twente. Partner countries: Kazakhstan (4), Azerbaijan (5) and Turkmenistan (3). All involved institutions are jointly responsible for the project implementation and the targeted usage of the grant.
Responsible Vilnius Tech division for project implementation – Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Institute of Environmental Protection. The project is administered and implemented by the following Vilnius Tech employees: project manager – Prof Dr Edita Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė, project researchers – Assoc Prof Dr Raimondas Grubliauskas, Assoc Prof Dr Teresė Leonavičienė, Assoc Prof Dr Jevgenijus Kirjackis and Dr Aleksandras Chlebnikovas, technical worker – doctoral student Luiza Usevičiūtė (till January 2022), Simona Bitarytė (from January 2022), administrator – Assoc Prof Dr Jolita Bradulienė, accountant – Lina Bražėnienė.
Information was prepared by Luiza Usevičiūtė
September 2021
Department contacts
Address: Saulėtekio av. 11, 211
Phone +370 5274 4726
Internal phone 9726; 9132
email crypt:YWFpQHZpbG5pdXN0ZWNoLmx0:xx
Director of Research Institute of Environmental Protection
Assoc. prof. Tomas Januševičius
Phone +370 5251 2132
Staff list and contacts
Address: Saulėtekio av. 11, 211
Phone +370 5274 4726
Internal phone 9726; 9132
email crypt:YWFpQHZpbG5pdXN0ZWNoLmx0:xx
Director of Research Institute of Environmental Protection
Assoc. prof. Tomas Januševičius
Phone +370 5251 2132
Staff list and contacts
Working hours
I 8:00 - 16:45
II 8:00 - 16:45
III 8:00 - 16:45
IV 8:00 - 16:45
V 8:00 - 15:30
I 8:00 - 16:45
II 8:00 - 16:45
III 8:00 - 16:45
IV 8:00 - 16:45
V 8:00 - 15:30
Laboratory of environmental protection and working conditions
Environmental Protection and Working Conditions Laboratory (AADSL) is a promising, youthful laboratory, where responsible and professional specialists with a lot of experience work.
The laboratory has implemented a quality management system, the purpose of which is to ensure the quality of the services provided, to meet the needs of the customers, which meet the requirements of the LST EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard.
At present, the laboratory has two units with different nature of activity: accredited physical research units and certified chemical research units.
The laboratory has implemented a quality management system, the purpose of which is to ensure the quality of the services provided, to meet the needs of the customers, which meet the requirements of the LST EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard.
At present, the laboratory has two units with different nature of activity: accredited physical research units and certified chemical research units.
The laboratory was established in 1988 at Vilnius Engineering Construction Institute (VISI) at the Department of Labor and Environmental Protection of the Faculty of Construction.
In 1993, during the establishment of the Department of Environmental Protection at the Vilnius Technical University, the laboratory was transferred to the composition of this department and was called the "Laboratory of Scientific Research of Environmental Protection and Working Conditions".
In 1995 the environmental protection and working conditions scientific research laboratory was awarded the Attestation Certificate of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, confirming that the laboratory meets the requirements of the standard LST EN 45 001 and AD 5.3.
In 2002, with the increase in the volume of scientific and commissioned works June 26 the Environmental Protection Institute was founded. The structure of the institute included a temporary scientific team and a laboratory of Environmental Protection and Working Conditions Science (AADSM).
In 2003 July 10 By order of the Rector of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, the AADSM laboratory was named the Environmental Protection and Working Conditions Laboratory (AADSL).
In 2003 in November the laboratory is accredited by the National Accreditation Office. The AADS laboratory has implemented a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the LST EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard. 2008, 2013, 2018 in November and 2023 October month. the laboratory was re-accredited for the next five-year period, and the field of activity of the laboratory was expanded.
Since 2017 AADSL has a flexible scope of accreditation.
Currently, the accreditation certificate is valid until 10/18/2028.
In 1993, during the establishment of the Department of Environmental Protection at the Vilnius Technical University, the laboratory was transferred to the composition of this department and was called the "Laboratory of Scientific Research of Environmental Protection and Working Conditions".
In 1995 the environmental protection and working conditions scientific research laboratory was awarded the Attestation Certificate of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, confirming that the laboratory meets the requirements of the standard LST EN 45 001 and AD 5.3.
In 2002, with the increase in the volume of scientific and commissioned works June 26 the Environmental Protection Institute was founded. The structure of the institute included a temporary scientific team and a laboratory of Environmental Protection and Working Conditions Science (AADSM).
In 2003 July 10 By order of the Rector of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, the AADSM laboratory was named the Environmental Protection and Working Conditions Laboratory (AADSL).
In 2003 in November the laboratory is accredited by the National Accreditation Office. The AADS laboratory has implemented a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the LST EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard. 2008, 2013, 2018 in November and 2023 October month. the laboratory was re-accredited for the next five-year period, and the field of activity of the laboratory was expanded.
Since 2017 AADSL has a flexible scope of accreditation.
Currently, the accreditation certificate is valid until 10/18/2028.
Information will be available soon
Protocols authenticity verification
ACOUSTIC PROTOCOLS authenticity verification
BUILDING TIGHTNESS authenticity verification
If you have any questions, please contact by e-mail crypt:YW5kcmVqLm5haW11c2luQHZpbG5pdXN0ZWNoLmx0:xx (head of laboratory) or crypt:am9saXRhLmJyYWR1bGllbmVAdmlsbml1c3RlY2gubHQ=:xx (laboratory quality manager), tel. +370 52744726.
Head and technical manager:
mgr. dokt. Andrej Naimušin
Quality manager:
assoc. prof. Jolita Bradulienė
- mgr. dokt. Andrej Naimušin
- dr. Tomas Astrauskas
- doc. dr. Alvydas Zagorskis
- mgr. dokt. Robert Ružickij
- Mantas Zemleris
- bak. Jonas Tubelis
- bak. Norbertas Eigelis
- Egidijus Marčiulaitis
- Page administrators:
- Laura Ladietaitė
- Karolina Kardokaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė