Prof. Jonas JAKAITIS has been included to the Editorial Board of journal of "The Educational Review, USA":
Project No LT-PL-1R-032 “Increase the competitiveness of the PL-LT borderline through development cooperation and clustering services” meeting of the partners:
Jonas Jakaitis was invited by Alytus Business Advisory Center as expert to project No LT-PL-1R-032 “Increase the competitiveness of the PL-LT borderline through development cooperation and clustering services”. Project is financed by European Union INTERREG V A PROJECT /„IncomClus”/ No. LT-PL-1R-032 Duration: 2017 02 01 – 2018 01 31.
The purpose of the closing Conference (2017-12-7 – 2017-12-8) is to submit results of implemented project, to shear new ideas, views and experiences for the development of new challenges.
"Construction21- A European green building exchange" - Sustainable Energy Europe & managEnergy Awards 2013 is nominated project in field of Learning:
A discourse on the members of urban spatial formation under conditions of modern democracy
Jonas Jakaitis, Monograph
Research on society as a participant in city spatial planning and production of this monograph have been mainuly determined by a political, economic, juridical, social, psychological and ecological indetermination of choosing correct methods for developing city architecture in Lithuania and a small quantity of research into the interactions of the above introduced factors. Twenty years ago, Lithuania regained independence, and therefore the role, methodology and discourse as well as participation in city spatial planning method of private and public subjects varied. Plenty of things have changed in Lithuanian architecture. A newly established or current urban environment improved through democratic self-governed communities by developing social and cultural opportunities in cities, educating territorial communities and encouraging the participation of society, which is inseparable from the city spatial planning policy created based on the principles of democracy.
Technical visit of VGTU experts to Serbia
Technical visit of VGTU experts to Serbia

Project team from VGTU consisting of 8 experts: doc. dr. Edita Šarkienė, doc. dr. Rasa Užpalytė - Vitkūnienė, dr. Aušrinė Gečienė, dr. Jūratė Venckauskaitė, PhD student Vytautas Palevičius, assistant Rūta Skripkienė, secretary, Airida Bernotaitė and doc. dr. Jonas Jakaitis visited Serbia from 22 to 25 may 2013. In accordance with previously agreed visit Agenda, the meetings were held at Kragujevac and Novi Sad.
Three meetings were held on May 23, 2013. The first morning lectures were held at premises of Directorate of Urbanism Kragujevac in cooperation with Serbian Chamber of Engineers. EU experts Jūratė Venckauskaitė and Vytautas Palevičius had lectures on SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN EU - EXAMPLE OF VILLNIUS/EU CAPITAL OF CULTURE `09 to municipal urban planners and representatives of municipal public service companies. Topic of their presentation was also quality management standards in urban spatial planning in Lithuania. They also presented public governmental system and territorial planning system in Lithuania that are completely harmonized with EU; the qualitative comparison of Serbian and EU systems was made.
The TEMPUS ISIS (TEMPUS JP 510985-2010 Improvement of Students' Internship in Serbia) conference as the part of Quality Festival 2013 was held on May 23rd at Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac. As Inter-Tempus Coaching activity representatives from VGTU participate at the conference in order to share with representatives (academic staff and students) from Serbian partner universities (Kragujevac, Nis and Novi Sad) their experience in student internship related to urban engineering study programs. Jonas Jakaitis had presentation entitled STUDENT INTERNSHIP IN URBAN ENGINEERING BACHELOR STUDY (RELATED TO EU PROJECTS) - EXAMPLE OF VGTU. Rasa Ušpalytė and Rūta Skripkienė had presentation entitled STUDENT INTRENSHIP IN URBAN ENGINEERING MASTER STUDY IN VGTU. After the conference the project quality control meeting was organised. Project coordinator Prof. D. Gordic, presented realized project activities and at the meeting it was concluded that dynamics and quality of the project are going to enable achieving the expected project outcomes. The representatives from VGTU praised the way of organisation of dissemination activities i.e. promotion of new developed study programs realised at UKG.
On 24 May 2013. with representatives from UKG, VGTU experts visited University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Science (FTN), Department of Architecture and Urbanism. After the presentation of UNS and FTN organisation and experience in urban engineering studies, Aušrinė Griškevičiūtė-Gečienė and Edita Šarkienė had presentation URBAN ENGINEERING IN LLL EDUCATION AT VGTU on organisation of urban engineering lectures at VGTU. Beside, MNGT meeting was organised with main topic of discussion - organisation of study trip of Serbian academic partners to Vilnius in September 2013. Also, possible participation of project partners in new joint projects was analysed.
2013 Publication:

A website for reading:
Discussions about "Green" Architecture Future
On 25 October, during the republican conference "'Green' Architecture: An Innovative Approach", which took place at Constitution Hall in Seimas Palace, specialists and researchers in the fields of Architecture, Engineering, and Urban planning as well as politicians and practitioners from Lithuania and foreign countries discussed the issues of sustainable development, "green" architecture, urban planning, and buildings renovation.
Conference participants were welcomed by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alfonsas Daniūnas, who said that "green" architecture should be viewed as the sustainable development strategy with present and future opportunities for future generations. "The focus of this discussion should be a man. Each of us has an obligation to be the advocate of sustainable development, its strategist and proponent," the Rector said.
The event was organized by Architecture Institute at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University together with Office of the Environmental Protection Committee of the Seimas.
Technical visit of VGTU experts to Serbia

Project team from VGTU consisting of 8 experts: doc. dr. Edita Šarkienė, doc. dr. Rasa Užpalytė - Vitkūnienė, dr. Aušrinė Gečienė, dr. Jūratė Venckauskaitė, PhD student Vytautas Palevičius, assistant Rūta Skripkienė, secretary, Airida Bernotaitė and doc. dr. Jonas Jakaitis visited Serbia from 22 to 25 may 2013. In accordance with previously agreed visit Agenda, the meetings were held at Kragujevac and Novi Sad.
Three meetings were held on May 23, 2013. The first morning lectures were held at premises of Directorate of Urbanism Kragujevac in cooperation with Serbian Chamber of Engineers. EU experts Jūratė Venckauskaitė and Vytautas Palevičius had lectures on SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN EU - EXAMPLE OF VILLNIUS/EU CAPITAL OF CULTURE `09 to municipal urban planners and representatives of municipal public service companies. Topic of their presentation was also quality management standards in urban spatial planning in Lithuania. They also presented public governmental system and territorial planning system in Lithuania that are completely harmonized with EU; the qualitative comparison of Serbian and EU systems was made.
The TEMPUS ISIS (TEMPUS JP 510985-2010 Improvement of Students' Internship in Serbia) conference as the part of Quality Festival 2013 was held on May 23rd at Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac. As Inter-Tempus Coaching activity representatives from VGTU participate at the conference in order to share with representatives (academic staff and students) from Serbian partner universities (Kragujevac, Nis and Novi Sad) their experience in student internship related to urban engineering study programs. Jonas Jakaitis had presentation entitled STUDENT INTERNSHIP IN URBAN ENGINEERING BACHELOR STUDY (RELATED TO EU PROJECTS) - EXAMPLE OF VGTU. Rasa Ušpalytė and Rūta Skripkienė had presentation entitled STUDENT INTRENSHIP IN URBAN ENGINEERING MASTER STUDY IN VGTU. After the conference the project quality control meeting was organised. Project coordinator Prof. D. Gordic, presented realized project activities and at the meeting it was concluded that dynamics and quality of the project are going to enable achieving the expected project outcomes. The representatives from VGTU praised the way of organisation of dissemination activities i.e. promotion of new developed study programs realised at UKG.
On 24 May 2013. with representatives from UKG, VGTU experts visited University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Science (FTN), Department of Architecture and Urbanism. After the presentation of UNS and FTN organisation and experience in urban engineering studies, Aušrinė Griškevičiūtė-Gečienė and Edita Šarkienė had presentation URBAN ENGINEERING IN LLL EDUCATION AT VGTU on organisation of urban engineering lectures at VGTU. Beside, MNGT meeting was organised with main topic of discussion - organisation of study trip of Serbian academic partners to Vilnius in September 2013. Also, possible participation of project partners in new joint projects was analysed.
- Page administrators:
- Jonas Jakaitis
- Agnė Vėtė
- Karolina Kardokaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė