The Faculty of Business Management research has always been focused on the European Research Area. In order to achieve the best result in research, faculty shifts towards multidisciplinarity in science. Now, the main research areas integrate electronics, IT, transport and social sciences.
Faculty is ready to participate in national and international projects and to collaborate with business sector, it fosters national and international collaboration and helps to establish ties between research institutions and the business sector. 40 percent of the university’s income comes from scientific services. The Faculty organizes 4 scientific conferences per year, both nationally and internationally, publishes 4 scientific journals., The Faculty is involved in several international networks and organizations, thus, it enhances its standing as a state of the art research institution. High quality of scientific projects presuppose not only better quality of studies, but also helps the state deal with current technological, economic and social problems.
SNOwMan project
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the European economy and represent sectors with huge potential for innovation, growth and increased employment.
Business intermediaries, owner-managers and universities jointly develop and apply innovative tools and methods for business counselling that respond to the specific needs of owner-managers of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Owner-managers of SMEs tend to be driven by different considerations than SMEs run by employed managers, for example, their own family’s well-being, the employees’ situations and lack of time for developing their own managerial skills.
The SNOwMan project focuses on SMEs, which are both owned and managed by the same person. To unleash the full potential and achieve growth, it can be useful to engage in counselling with business intermediaries.
Unfortunately, the existent professional tools are not suitable for the owner-managers’ needs, thereby making it difficult to find common ground in the counselling process.
Based on this, the mission of SNOwMan is to develop tools that ease the cooperation between SME owner-managers and business intermediaries. By developing a counselling toolbox, it is hoped business intermediaries will have a better premise when counselling owner-managers.
Business intermediaries, owner-managers and universities jointly develop and apply innovative tools and methods for business counselling that respond to the specific needs of owner-managers of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Owner-managers of SMEs tend to be driven by different considerations than SMEs run by employed managers, for example, their own family’s well-being, the employees’ situations and lack of time for developing their own managerial skills.
The SNOwMan project focuses on SMEs, which are both owned and managed by the same person. To unleash the full potential and achieve growth, it can be useful to engage in counselling with business intermediaries.
Unfortunately, the existent professional tools are not suitable for the owner-managers’ needs, thereby making it difficult to find common ground in the counselling process.
Based on this, the mission of SNOwMan is to develop tools that ease the cooperation between SME owner-managers and business intermediaries. By developing a counselling toolbox, it is hoped business intermediaries will have a better premise when counselling owner-managers.
DERECKA project
The project' s objective is the modernisation of exsiting PhD curricula by improving its content and on the introduction of new PhD programs. This will enhance the relevance of the programs to labour market & society's needs. Trained trainers with updated competences & realisation ofmodernised & new PhD programs will increase innovation capacity.
By Increasing academic staff & students mobility, by increasing cooperation between EU & KG partners the project will meet internationalisation agenda.
Specific objectives of the project are:
1. Modernisation of existing PhD studies and development of new PhD programmes compliant with EU standards.
2. Enhancing research competences of academic staff and building innovative research expertise in Kyrgyzstan.
3. Improvement of administration of PhD programmes.
4. Promotion of PhD culture amongst academic & non-academic stakeholders and wider society in Kyrgyzstan.
On September 28 two doctoral students arrived at the Faculty of Business Management under the international DERECKA project: Nurkyz Tuleberdieva and Aisuluu Obolbekova from the National University of Kyrgyzstan. Doctoral students came for a two-month period, for a research internship. During the internship, students will get to know the university's available scientific resources, databases, and library. You will also have the opportunity to participate in selected lectures in English and the Young Scientists Conference.
By Increasing academic staff & students mobility, by increasing cooperation between EU & KG partners the project will meet internationalisation agenda.
Specific objectives of the project are:
1. Modernisation of existing PhD studies and development of new PhD programmes compliant with EU standards.
2. Enhancing research competences of academic staff and building innovative research expertise in Kyrgyzstan.
3. Improvement of administration of PhD programmes.
4. Promotion of PhD culture amongst academic & non-academic stakeholders and wider society in Kyrgyzstan.
On September 28 two doctoral students arrived at the Faculty of Business Management under the international DERECKA project: Nurkyz Tuleberdieva and Aisuluu Obolbekova from the National University of Kyrgyzstan. Doctoral students came for a two-month period, for a research internship. During the internship, students will get to know the university's available scientific resources, databases, and library. You will also have the opportunity to participate in selected lectures in English and the Young Scientists Conference.
GECKO Project
The strong economic growth and the ensuing market development in the ASEAN region have created a shift in labor market needs. Adjusting engineer training through the implementation of a multi-skill approach is crucial to meet these new requirements.
The GECKO project (2017-2020) aims to develop engineers’ capabilities and implement best practices based on employability and regional cooperation in three target countries: Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia. These objectives will be carried out through the development and implementation of a multidisciplinary curriculum supported by innovative teaching materials and modern teaching technologies. The GECKO partnership is made up of thirteen Higher Education Institutions from South East Asian and European countries including Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Sweden, Lithuania, Spain, Italy and France.
Project goals:
The GECKO project (2017-2020) aims to develop engineers’ capabilities and implement best practices based on employability and regional cooperation in three target countries: Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia. These objectives will be carried out through the development and implementation of a multidisciplinary curriculum supported by innovative teaching materials and modern teaching technologies. The GECKO partnership is made up of thirteen Higher Education Institutions from South East Asian and European countries including Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Sweden, Lithuania, Spain, Italy and France.
Project goals:
To strenghthen the multi-skills approach in engineering courses
To encourage innovative teaching methods through the use of digital modules
To improve student employability through the acquisition of soft skills and network development
To increase regional cooperation in higher education in the ASEAN region
This project gathers the capacities of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in program countries and partner countries to improve Blue Economies in Montenegro and Albania, through better education in innovation and entrepreneurship. Lead partner of this project is Norwegian University of Science and Technology. A detailed list of project partners can be found at Partners page. The project aims at achieving sustainable development of Blue economies in partner countries through improvements in their education in bachelor and master studies with innovation and entrepreneurship concepts. You can find more on objectives in the related page Objectives of the Project . Maritime activities as well as other sectors related to blue economies such as tourism sector need professional, educated and/or trained human resources with these concepts in addition to the traditional knowledge of their profession. The activities of the project will provide a strategic thinking and flexibility of educational systems in Montenegrin and Albanian HEIs to adjust to new challenges and needs.
LIFT Project

The aim of the project Economic Integration of the Nordic-Baltic Region through Labour, Innovation, Investments and Trade (LIFT) is to study the historical performance and estimate the potential for the economic integration of the Nordic-Baltic region via labour migration, technology transfer, foreign direct investments and capital mobility, trade of both physical goods and services. The project is funded by the European Economic Area (EEA) countries (Iceland and Lichtenstein) and Norway grants for the period 2014–2021.
The acronym LIFT reflects our main hypotheses: the integration in the Nordic-Baltic Region has lifted the local economies and contributed to a more efficient resource allocation. The LIFT project consists of four closely linked work packages (WP) with the 1st letters of their titles forming the acronym: labour, innovation, FDI, trade. Each of the WP’s focuses on a particular aspect of integration.
LIFT‘s first year results
On January 31st, 2022, the University of Latvia organized the 80th International Scientific conference. Reports were given by researchers representing partners and VILNIUS TECH in the section New Labour Market Developments in the Context of Digitalisation and Social Change, intended to present the results of the first year of the project Economic Integration of the Nordic-Baltic Region through Labour, Innovation, Investments and Trade (LIFT).
Manuela Tvaronavičienė (VILNIUS TECH) together with project partners Mihails Hazans (University of Latvia), Jaan Masso (University of Tartu) and Rasmus Bøgh Holmen (The Institute of Transport Economics) opened the session. Reports were prepared by representatives of all project partner institutions and external guests. External scientific experts were also invited: Dr. Tairi Rõõm, Head of Research Department, Bank of Estonia and Dr. Konstantins Benkovskis, Adviser to the Monetary Policy Department, Bank of Latvia. The following stakeholders representatives participated: Ilze Zvidriņa, Chair of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Committee, OECD; Deputy Director, Labour Market Policy Department, Latvia’ s Welfare Ministry and Ineta Vjakse, Deputy Director, Labour Relations and Labour Protection Policy Department, Latvia’ s Welfare Ministry.
Arūnas Burinskas, Kristina Razminienė, Agnė Šimelytė and Manuela Tvaronavičienė (VILNIUS TECH) prepared and read reports on the following topics:
- “The Attractiveness of Baltics for Inward FDI from Nordics”;
- “Approaches towards a Circular Economy and Economic Development”;
- “The Concepts of Knowledge Transfer towards Social Innovation”.
- Tiiu Paas (University of Tartu), Mihails Hazans (University of Latvia) and Agnė Šimelytė (VILNIUS TECH) led the session.
- The conference program can be found online.
The LIFT project was presented in Timisoara, Romania
From April 18 to 22, 2022, Kristina Razminienė did an internship in Timisoara, Romania. Under the Erasmus+ program, the researcher participated in a week-long Academic Project Management program, which includes designing the project, Gantt chart, Action Priority Matrix, SWOT analysis, Project Canvas, stakeholder analysis, communication plan, dissemination tools and channels, budgeting, monitoring and agile project management .
During the implementation of the program, participants from Ireland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Lithuania presented their projects. Kristina Razminienė talked about the project The Economic Integration of the Nordic-Baltic Region through Labour, Innovation, Investments and Trade – LIFT funded by EEA and Norway grants. 998742.9 Euros are allocated for the implementation of the project, project code: LT08-1-ŠMSM-K01-008 (Contract No. S-BMT-21-7 (LT08-2-LMT-K-01-070)).
For more information about the programme use the link: www.eeagrants.org
- Page administrators:
- Jurga Vestertė
- Dominykas Ulevič
- Karolina Kardokaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė