Research and innovation
Priority research areas
1. Sustainable building
- Smart building structures
- Low emissions building materials and technologies
- BIM and sustainable lifecycle of structures
- Environmentally friendly transport
- Traffic safety technologies
- Urban mobility
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Dissertations are being prepared
In the 2021/2022 academic year, 14 doctoral students are studying at the Department of Roads.
The topics of dissertations are the following:
The topics of dissertations are the following:
Topics |
The planning of transportation infrastructure according to simulation of forecasted bicycle traffic flows |
The model of infrastructure adaptation for traffic of self-driving cars |
The development of fatigue functions based on stress and strain distribution in rolled compacted concrete pavement structure on hydraulically stabilized subgrade |
The study and optimization of the impact of speed limitation and control measures on road safety |
The development of public transport for balanced and sustainable regional development of urban areas |
The algorithm for estimating the state of the road network condition and degradation rate and selecting the priority for repair |
The optimization of interoperability of 1520 mm and 1435 mm gauge railway infrastructure |
The investigation of the influence of the shape and structure of the unbound base layer particles on the modulus of stiffness |
The analysis, substantiation and evaluation of the expediency of the creation of industrial parks in Lithuania for the regeneration of regions |
The optimization of road plan geometrical parameters in reconstruction projects without changing the boundaries of the building (road lane) |
The improvement of traffic flow assessment methodologies, assessing the permeability of road elements |
The study and evaluation of the impact of public transport on road safety |
The non-destructive testing (GPR) model of road asphalt layers |
The development of innovative asphalt mixtures using the bitumen with high amount of polymers |
Defended dissertations
Since 1997, 48 doctoral dissertations on the following topics have been defended in the areas of Civil Engineering and Transport Engineering:
Topic | Department |
Analysis of Urban Road Pavement Performance Indicators | Department of Roads |
Research of the Dolomite Aggregate Properties of the Automobile Road Surfacing | Department of Roads |
Optimization of Traffic Safety and Capacity in Road Work Zones | Department of Roads |
Model for the Integration of Sustainable Mobility Measures According to the Infrastructure of the Urban Mobility System | Department of Roads |
Assessment of Road Structure Strengthening with Geogrid | Department of Roads |
Bitumen Stress Relaxation Modulus as an Indicator of Asphalt Pavements Resistance to Low Temperature Cracking | Department of Roads |
Assessment and Modelling of Urban Bypasses‘ Influence on Transport Flows Distribution in Street Network | Department of Roads (from 2017-07-01) Department of Urban Engineering (till 2017-07-01) |
Development and Application of Tour-based Travel Demand Model for Planning of Urban Transport Networks | Department of Roads (from 2017-07-01) Department of Urban Engineering (till 2017-07-01) |
Evaluation of Scenarios for Changes in the Purpose of Urban Brownfields Applying Multi-attribute Decision Making Methods | Department of Roads (from 2017-07-01) Department of Urban Engineering (till 2017-07-01) |
The Effect of Crumb Rubber on Asphalt Pavement Resistance to Rutting and Thermal Cracking | Department of Roads |
Assessment Model of Road Traffic Calming and Speed Control Measures Efficiency to Traffic Safety | Department of Roads |
Optimization of Road of National Significance Maintenance in Winter | Department of Roads |
Design of Flexible Pavement Based on Asphalt Visco-elastic Properties | Department of Roads |
Feasibility Evaluation of Using the Crushed Mineral Stone for the Railway Ballast | Department of Roads |
Quality Analysis and Integrated Assessment of Residential Environment of Developing Suburban Settlements | Department of Urban Engineering |
Evaluation of Car Parking Lots in Cities by Multicriteria Methods | Department of Urban Engineering |
Influence of the Changes in Bitumen Properties on Asphalt Pavement Performance | Department of Roads |
Influence of the Properties of Flexible Road Pavement Structure on the Service Indices of Wearing Courses | Department of Roads |
Ecological Assessment in Urban Comprehensive Plans | Department of Urban Engineering |
Traffic Load Impact on the Initiation and Development of Plastic Deformations in Road Asphalt Pavements | Department of Roads |
Research on Normative Parameters of Asphalt Mixtures Used for the Street Pavements Under the Conditions of Lithuania | Department of Roads |
Road Accident Prediction Model for the Roads of National Significance of Lithuania | Department of Roads |
Modelling of the Interaction Component‘s of Recycled Hot Mix Asphalt and Research Its Use in the Road Pavement Construction | Department of Roads |
Model for the Justification of Lithuanian Urban Transport Systems Infrastructure Development | Department of Urban Engineering |
Assessment, Research and Use of Methods for Determining the Strength of Base Courses of Road Pavement Structure | Department of Roads |
Analysis of Urban Sustainability Process and Quality of Live Evaluation | Department of Urban Engineering |
Assurance of the Function of Low-volume Roads for the Improvement of Driving Conditions | Department of Roads |
Substantiation of the Permissible Values of Service Indices of Asphalt Concrete Road Pavement | Department of Roads |
Possibilities for the Improvement of the Quality of Design Solutions in the Gravel Road Reconstruction Projects | Department of Roads |
Model for the Substantiation of Road Safety Improvement Measures on the Roads of Lithuania | Department of Roads |
Methodology for the Evaluation of the Effect of the Cilmate of Lithuania on Road Construction and Climatic Regioning | Department of Roads |
Interaction Between Virtual and Physical Inhabitants‘ Mobility and Research of Its Influence on Urban Development | Department of Urban Engineering |
Multi-Criteria Assessment of Urban Areas Transport Systems Development According to Sustainability | Department of Urban Engineering |
Urban Compactness and Sustainable Development Modeling | Department of Urban Engineering |
Methods for Determining the Structural Strength of Flexible Pavements on Lithuania‘s Roads | Department of Roads |
Geotextile Selection Methods for the Lithuanian Road and Street Structures | Department of Roads |
Impact of Heavy Weight Vehicles on Duration of Service Life of Asphalt Concrete Road Pavement | Department of Roads |
Rutting Associated with Shear Deformations on Asphalt Concrete Road Pavements Reduction by Means of Geosynthetic Materials | Department of Roads |
Modelling and Development of Town Public Transport Network (on Example of Vilnius City) | Department of Urban Engineering |
Influences of Urban Structures on Energy Resources Consumed by Passenger Transportation | Department of Urban Engineering |
Models of Pavement Deterioration and Their Adaptation to Lithuanian Automobile Roads | Department of Roads |
Complex Research and Evaluation of the Influence of Railway Road Parameters on the Trains‘ Running Speed in Curves | Department of Roads |
Influence of Geometrical Parameters of Railway Gauge Upon Rail Durability on Curves | Department of Roads |
Renovation of Gravel Roads from the Aspect of Sustainable Development of Road Network | Department of Roads |
Development and Application of Tourist Building System Development Model | Department of Urban Engineering |
Bituminous Pavement Evaluation and Strengthening Needs Assessment in Lithuania | Department of Roads |
Research of the Condition of Lithuanian Gravel Roads and Feasibility of Their Renovation | Department of Roads |
Development of Production Technologies of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures with Increased Resistance to Corrosion | Department of Roads |
Software developed
Standards and technical requirements developed:
- D. Čygas, A. Laurinavičius, K. Čiuprinskas. The program for calculating the construction of non-rigid road surfaces of roads has been redesigned and adapted to Lithuanian conditions. The databases of the calculation program for non-rigid pavement structures were redesignen on the basis of performed experimental research (2003);
- D. Čygas, A. Laurinavičius, K. Čiuprinskas. Road weather information system fixed data bank. Accumulated data on road weather conditions: air temperature, pavement temperature, freezing depth, etc. (2004);
- D. Čygas, A. Laurinavičius, K. Čiuprinskas. Modified in previous years. A database of parameters recorded by the Road Weather Information System was created (2006).
Software developed
- D. Čygas, A. Laurinavičius, K. Čiuprinskas. The program for calculating the construction of non-rigid road surfaces of roads has been redesigned and adapted to Lithuanian conditions. The databases of the calculation program for non-rigid pavement structures were redesignen on the basis of performed experimental research (2003);
- D. Čygas, A. Laurinavičius, K. Čiuprinskas. Road weather information system fixed data bank. Accumulated data on road weather conditions: air temperature, pavement temperature, freezing depth, etc. (2004);
- D. Čygas, A. Laurinavičius, K. Čiuprinskas. Modified in previous years. A database of parameters recorded by the Road Weather Information System was created (2006).
Standards and technical requirements developed:
- Laurinavičius, A .; Kurapka, V. Permanent vertical road signs. Interim recommendations (Requirements, production, testing). V., 2000, p. 36.
- Sakalauskas, K. Railway track maintenance rules: K / 111. Vilnius: JSC "Lietuvos geležinkeliai" Publishing House, 2000. 213 p. ISBN 9986-537-59-2.
- Laurinavičius, A. Construction rules ST 1195024.01-2000. Expertise of construction design and contruction. V., 2000, p. 13.
- Sakalauskas, K. Railway traffic rules: ADV / 003. Vilnius: Innovation and Publishing Center, 2000.
- Laurinavičius, A. Lithuanian national standard LST 1719: 2001. Mineral road materials and their mixtures. Technical requirements. V., 2001, p. 7.
- Laurinavičius, A. Waterproofing materials for bridges. Technical requirements. V., 2001, p. 14.
- Laurinavičius, A .; Juzėnas, A. Lithuanian national standard LST 1331: 2002. Road primers. Classification (replaces LST 1331: 1994). V., 2002, p. 12.
- Cygas, D.; Laurinavičius, A.; Juzėnas, A. Construction rules ST 9306149.02: 2002. Damage repair in street asphalt concrete pavement. V., 2002, p. 9.
- Sakalauskas, K.; Černiauskaitė, L. Railway subgrade maintenance instructions. 192 / K. Vilnius: JSC "Gelspa", 2003. 141 p.
- Cygas, D.; Laurinavičius, A. Construction rules ST 936149.03: 2003. Asphalt concrete pavement construction works on city streets. V., 2003, p. 22.
- Laurinavičius, A.; Kezys, V.; Vilutis, V. Construction rules ST 2235248.02: 2003. General construction of communications (roads, streets, aerodromes). V., 2003, p. 174.
- Laurinavičius, A; Viršilas, G. Construction rules ST 2235248.03: 2003. Construction work for bridge, viaducts and tunnels. V., 2003, p. 111.
- Laurinavičius, A .; Razbadauskis, K.; Vilutis, V. Recommendations R 34-01 Road base layers. Amendments and additions. V., 2003, p. 21.
- Cygas, D.; Laurinavičius, A. Construction rules ST 188710638.10: 2004. Asphalt concrete pavement construction works on city streets. V., 2004, p. 23.
- D. Čygas, A. Laurinavičius, R. Babickas, A. Vaitkus, F. Tuminienė. Construction rules for construction of binder and base layers of asphalt concrete pavements for city streets ST 19306144104: 2007. Vilnius City Municipality Administration, 2006, 25 p.
- K. Sakalauskas. 1520 mm wide passenger platforms (modified LVS 44882008). Lithuanian Standardization Department (LST TK 43 Railway Transport), 2008, 15 p.
- D. Čygas, A. Laurinavičius, A. Vaitkus. Description of technical requirements for reclaimed asphalt granules for roads TRA NAG 09. Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications, 2009, 23 p.
- D. Čygas, A. Laurinavičius, A. Vaitkus. Recommendations for the use of reclaimed asphalt granules on roads R NAG 09. Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications, 2009, p.
- K. Sakalauskas. 1520 mm gauge lines with technical conditions for passenger trains up to 160 km / h. 2010
- D. Čygas, A. Laurinavičius, K. Ratkevičiūtė. Recommendations for the design and use of engineering traffic safety measures. RISEP 10. 2010 m. 69 p.
International Project “BALTRIS“
International project “BALTRIS” of the programme Improving Road Infrastructure safety in the Baltic Sea Region. The project has been funded by the Baltic Sea Region Program. Deadline for implementation 2010-2013. Head of the VGTU project part department is A. Laurinavicius and executors are D. Cygas and K. Ratkeviciute. Directive 2008/96 / EB 19, November of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to road infrastructure safety management, Member States are required to ensure that road safety impact assessments, the classification of high-accident road sections and the setting of safety levels on the road network are carried out. The safety of existing roads needs to be improved by focusing investment on the road sections with the highest accident density and / or those with the highest accident reduction potential. Research is a very important tool for improving road safety in the European Union. Based on the latest scientific knowledge, it is necessary to establish a reliable and uncomplicated model for achieving the objectives of the directive.Developing Students' Skills by Conducting Research during the Semester
Project title - Effect of different modification additives on the elastic viscosity of bitumen and resistance to aging (oxidation) processes.Source of funding, Measures of the EU Funds Investment Operational Program No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712. Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities. Activities are “Development of students 'abilities to carry out MTEP activities” and “Development of students' abilities by conducting scientific (artistic) research during semesters”.
Project implementation period from 1 October 2017 to 30 April 2018.
Supervisor of student research/practice: Assoc. prof. Viktoras Vorobjovas.
Student: Vytautas Naruseviciene.
Project summary:
In order to develop the calculation of the stiffness modulus of asphalt mix based on the properties of bitumen and minerals, it is recommended to deepen the knowledge of modified bituminous binder mechanical properties and to make many and comprehensive tests with different bituminous binders and modifiers. The planned (to be achieved) results will be useful and possible in determining the most important properties of modified bitumen, which would ensure the proper functioning of asphalt pavements in Lithuanian climatic conditions. The object of the study was to determine the effect of different modification additives on the elastic viscosity of bitumen and resistance to aging (oxidation) processes.
It is planned to perform tests with aged and non-aged modified bitumen with a dynamic shear rheometer during the research. The planned results of the research project are to practically determine the values of the phase angle and compare them with the theoretical values presented in the literature.
Developing Students' Skills by Conducting Research during the Semester
Project title - Evaluation of the use of bituminous roofing chips for asphalt mixtures in terms of performance assuranceSource of funding within 2014-2020: Measures of the EU Funds Investment Operational Program No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712. ,, Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities“. Activity -"Development of students' competences to carry out MTPE activities". Exposure - “Development of students' competences by participating in summer scientific internships”.
Project implementation period was from 1 July 2019 until 2019 1 September 2019.
Supervisor of student research/practice: Assoc. prof. Viktoras Vorobjovas.
Student: Diana Venslauskaite.
Project summary:
The analysis of the properties of bituminous roofing chips as waste in Lithuania and other countries is performed. The bituminous roofing chips are considered as recycling technologies for the production of asphalt mixtures for reuse. Technologies for incorporation of recycled bituminous roofing chips into asphalt mixtures during their production are considered. The analysis of research and normative technical documents of Lithuania and other countries, which analyse the physical and mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures with recycled bituminous roofing chips, was performed. Based on the analysis and generalization, guidelines are formulated for the application of bituminous roofing chips as a reusable building material for the production of asphalt mixtures. The goal of the project is to develop the student's scientific qualification in the evaluation of the use of bituminous roofing chips as a reusable building material for the production of asphalt mixtures in summer practice. The task is to create a scheme-model that would present the principles and methods for the application of bituminous roofing chips as a reusable construction material in the production of asphalt mixtures.
- Page administrators:
- Guoda Varžgalytė
- Viktoras Vorobjovas
- Laura Ladietaitė
- Karolina Kardokaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė