Achievements and other information
Teachers reception hours
2019-2020 SEPTEMBER semestre
2019-2020 SEPTEMBER semestre
Name | Reception hours | Room | |
Doc. dr. E.Trinkūnienė | Tuesdays |
14.00 - 15.00 | SRK-I 708 |
Doc.dr. V.Keršulienė | Mondays | 15.00-16.30 | SRC 1004 |
Lect. R. Bublienė | Mondays Tuesdays |
13.45-14.30 13.45-14.30 |
SRK-I 715 |
Lect. V. Jurkevičius | Mondays (I week) | 16.00-17.00 | SRK-I 714 |
Lect. R. Cibulskienė | Wednesdays | 13.45 -14.30 | SRK-I 708 |
Lect. D. Averkienė | Tuesdays | 18.00-19.00 | MR-I 1-104 (required to align in advance by email |
Lect. R.Jucevičius | Tuesdays ( I week) Tuesdays (II week) |
11.10-12.10 09.20-10.20 |
SRK-I 708 SRK-II 708 |
Lect. R. Varno | Wednesdays | 12.00-12.30 | SRK-I 708 |
Lect. R. Bublienė. Research of classters processes and legal regulation. Academy of Research and Technology, Egypt. Planned period of the training activity from 2018 October 11 - November 12

“Cartels - perspective of the Commission and perspective of the competitor”
by Lina Jankūnė, case handler from European Commission

- Lecturer/speaker: On 6th of December 2017 at 14.30 PM in SKR-I 210 classroom Lina Jankūnė, case handler from European Commission will give a lecture “Cartels - perspective of the Commission and perspective of the competitor”.
- Date: 2017-12-06
- Length: 4 ak. val.
- Title of the lecture: “Cartels - perspective of the Commission and perspective of the competitor”.
On 6th of December 2017 at 2.30 PM in SKR-I 210 classroom Lina Jankūnė, case handler from European Commission will give a lecture “Cartels - perspective of the Commission and perspective of the competitor”.
Guest's visit is organized by the Department of Law.
Lina Jankunė has 10 years working experience in Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission, and in particular in handling antitrust and cartel cases.
Lina is going to present how the Commission is tackling explicit collusion and tacit coordination among companies and how companies perceive their illegal behaviour and respond in case of investigation.
Moderator - Renata Cibulskienė, lecturer at the Department of Law (The Faculty of Business Management).
- Page administrators:
- Jurga Vestertė
- Dominykas Ulevič
- Karolina Kardokaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė