About department
The Department of Social Economics and Management was founded in 2001. Prof. Juozas Bivainis supervised the Department since its creation till August on 2011. Prof. Arūnas Augustinaitis supervised the Department since September on 2011 till January on 2012. Prof. Dr. Ilona Skačkauskienė supervised the Department since February on 2012 till June on 2017.
The Department of Management was formed in July on 2017 by reorganizing the Departments of the faculty of Business Management. Prof. Dr. Ilona Skačkauskienė supervised the Department of Management since its creation till August on 2021. Prof. Dr. Renata Korsakienė supervises the Department of Management since September on 2021.
The mission of the Department of Management is having brought together top researchers and practitioners, conduct research in the field of management, collect and disseminate knowledge to the community, thus ensuring excellent study quality, enhancement competency of the Department of Management and education of the society.
The aim of the Department of Management is to enshrine the valuables, to form the community of lecturers, students and social partners and to aim the maximum giving a sense of academic activity to the extent of the university, the country and the world.
Exclusiveness of the Department of Management can be seen in the activity of the Management Department - to research management problems of contemporary organization by applying innovative methods and knowledge in the context of globalization.
The fields of interest of the Department are as such: business environment and sustainable business development; knowledge potential development, and innovations; strategic management, and organizational resources; effectiveness of public management, and research on public and private sector partnership; modern processes of marketing activities and consumer behavior.
Annually are published over 40 scientific articles and one monograph in the Department of Management.
The Department of Management coordinates the specialization of Marketing in Lithuanian and English languages of Business Management study program and the Organization Management study program in Bachelor's Degree Studies and the specialization of Aviation Management of Engineering Economics and Management study program, the specialization of Organization Management, the specialization of Marketing Management and the specialization of Social Business Management of Business Management study program in Master's Degree Studies.
Nowadays 3 Professors, 8 Associated Professors (Doctors of Science), 1 Associated Professor - Partner, 1 Assistant Professor (Doctor of Science), 8 Assistant Professors (Master of Science), 2 Research Fellows (Doctors of Science), 4 Ph.D. Students work in the Department of Management.
Professors, Associated Profesors and Assistants Professors of the Department of Management in Bachelor's Degree Studies are giving lectures on these subjects: Management, Fundamentals of Management, Organization of Public Sector, Research of Organization Environment, Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management, Management Psychology, Marketing, Marketing Research, Marketing Management, Social Marketing, Internet Marketing, Digital Marketing, International Marketing, Strategic Management, Business Communication, Intercultural Communication, Industrial Marketing and Human Resource Management (with course work), Protocol and Etiquette, Introductory Practice and Professional Practice and so on.
Professors, Associated Profesors and Assistants Professors (Doctors of Science) of the Department of Management in Master's Degree Studies are giving lectures on these subjects: Counter-Crisis Management in Organizations (with Course Project), Responsible Leadership, International Management, Marketing, Digital Marketing Technologies (with course project), Brand Management, International Marketing and Communication (with course project), Strategic Management, Management Theory, Theory of Organization, Management of Airports, Airline Companies and Navigation Enterprises (with course project), Training Practice and Scientific Practice, etc.
The Department of Management was formed in July on 2017 by reorganizing the Departments of the faculty of Business Management. Prof. Dr. Ilona Skačkauskienė supervised the Department of Management since its creation till August on 2021. Prof. Dr. Renata Korsakienė supervises the Department of Management since September on 2021.
The mission of the Department of Management is having brought together top researchers and practitioners, conduct research in the field of management, collect and disseminate knowledge to the community, thus ensuring excellent study quality, enhancement competency of the Department of Management and education of the society.
The aim of the Department of Management is to enshrine the valuables, to form the community of lecturers, students and social partners and to aim the maximum giving a sense of academic activity to the extent of the university, the country and the world.
Exclusiveness of the Department of Management can be seen in the activity of the Management Department - to research management problems of contemporary organization by applying innovative methods and knowledge in the context of globalization.
The fields of interest of the Department are as such: business environment and sustainable business development; knowledge potential development, and innovations; strategic management, and organizational resources; effectiveness of public management, and research on public and private sector partnership; modern processes of marketing activities and consumer behavior.
Annually are published over 40 scientific articles and one monograph in the Department of Management.
The Department of Management coordinates the specialization of Marketing in Lithuanian and English languages of Business Management study program and the Organization Management study program in Bachelor's Degree Studies and the specialization of Aviation Management of Engineering Economics and Management study program, the specialization of Organization Management, the specialization of Marketing Management and the specialization of Social Business Management of Business Management study program in Master's Degree Studies.
Nowadays 3 Professors, 8 Associated Professors (Doctors of Science), 1 Associated Professor - Partner, 1 Assistant Professor (Doctor of Science), 8 Assistant Professors (Master of Science), 2 Research Fellows (Doctors of Science), 4 Ph.D. Students work in the Department of Management.
Professors, Associated Profesors and Assistants Professors of the Department of Management in Bachelor's Degree Studies are giving lectures on these subjects: Management, Fundamentals of Management, Organization of Public Sector, Research of Organization Environment, Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management, Management Psychology, Marketing, Marketing Research, Marketing Management, Social Marketing, Internet Marketing, Digital Marketing, International Marketing, Strategic Management, Business Communication, Intercultural Communication, Industrial Marketing and Human Resource Management (with course work), Protocol and Etiquette, Introductory Practice and Professional Practice and so on.
Professors, Associated Profesors and Assistants Professors (Doctors of Science) of the Department of Management in Master's Degree Studies are giving lectures on these subjects: Counter-Crisis Management in Organizations (with Course Project), Responsible Leadership, International Management, Marketing, Digital Marketing Technologies (with course project), Brand Management, International Marketing and Communication (with course project), Strategic Management, Management Theory, Theory of Organization, Management of Airports, Airline Companies and Navigation Enterprises (with course project), Training Practice and Scientific Practice, etc.
June on 2001 year – the Department of Social Economics and Business Management was established by reorganizating the Department of Management and the Department of Economics to five Departments in the Faculty of Business Management.
Since June on 2001 untill August on 2011 – Professor Habil. Dr. Juozas Bivainis was the Head of Department of Social Economics and Business Management.
Since September on 2011 untill January on 2012 – Professor Dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis was the Head of the Department of Social Economics and Business Management.
Since February on 2012 untill June on 2017 – Professor Dr. Ilona Skačkauskienė was the Head of the Department of Social Economics and Business Management.
The first of July on 2017 year – the Department of Management was established.
Since July on 2017 untill August on 2021 – Professor Dr. Ilona Skačkauskienė was the Head of the Department of Management.
Since September on 2021 Professor Dr. Renata Korsakienė is the Head of the Department of Management.
The Department of Management has the following offices:
• SRK-I 602 is cabinet of the Head of the Department of Management
• SRK-I 601 is cabinet of the Administrator of the Department of Management
• SRK-I 624 is auditorium in which lectures take place
• SRK-I 603 is trainers room of the Department of Management
• SRK-I 602 is cabinet of the Head of the Department of Management
• SRK-I 601 is cabinet of the Administrator of the Department of Management
• SRK-I 624 is auditorium in which lectures take place
• SRK-I 603 is trainers room of the Department of Management
- Page administrators:
- Kristina Audickaitė
- Jurga Vestertė
- Dominykas Ulevič
- Karolina Kardokaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė