- The Department of Management (hereinafter – the Department) is actively involved in some programs studies of Bachelor Degree: study programs of Economics Engineering, Organization Management, Economics Engineering as well as in some programs studies of Master degree: study programs of Economics Engineering, Business Administration (MBA) and Engineering Economics and Management.
- Lecturers of the Department teach the students of other faculties in the following subjects: Marketing, Strategic Management, Internet Marketing, Management, Fundamentals of Management, Management Theory.
- The Department supervises the following studies specializations of business and management fields:
**Bachelor Degree Studies:
- The Specialization of Business Management program – Marketing.
- The program of Organization Management.
Study field
Study programme
Organization Management
- |
Business Management
** Master Degree Studies:
- The Specializations of Engineering Economics and Management program – Aviation Management, Business Leadership.
- The Specializations of Business Management program – Organization Management, Marketing Management, Social Business Management.
- The program of Business Administration (MBA).
Study field
Study programme
Engineering Economics and Management
Aviation Management
Entrepreneurial Leadership |
Business Management
Business Administration (MBA) |
Organization Management
Marketing Management Social Business Management - |
** Doctoral studies:
Doctoral studies prepare highly qualified professionals – the doctors of social sciences of the trend of Management (S 003). Department has the following modules to Ph.D.: Management Theory, Theory of Public Management, Strategic Management Decisions, International Management Concepts, Decision Support Systems and Technologies, Theory of Service Management, etc. Some of the Associated Professors of the Department lead students of doctoral studies, preparing the dissertation works in Management (S 003) directions. Since the creation of the Department, more than 17 students of doctoral studies have defended the dissertations. Prof. Dr. Juozas Bivainis was the Head of Doctoral Committee (Management - S 003) of Social Sciences from 2010 to 2014 in Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Živilė Jezerskė is Secretary of Doctoral Committee (Management - S 003) of Social Sciences since 2010 in VILNIUS TECH, Prof. Dr. Ilona Skačkauskienė is the Head of Doctoral Committee (Management - S 003) of Social Sciences since 2017 in VILNIUS TECH.
The students of the specializations, supervised the Department wrote their final works on these themes groups:
- Social Management Transformations.
- Modelling of Sustainable Organization Development.
- Increasing the Efficiency and Reliability of Organization Functioning.
The tutors of the Department are teaching almost all faculties on such studies programs in the following items: Management, Fundamentals of Management, Management Theory, Marketing, Internet Marketing, Digital Marketing, etc.
The tutors of Department are using innovative teaching methods and technologies:
VILNIUS TECH study programs and their subjects focus on student self-learning skills improvement expressing them as the formation of functional analytical skills, highlighting the ways of improving the knowledge and developing their values, creating the ability to improve operational competence and knowledge of individual and group work techniques continuously, to study individually and to be creative.
Department is developing programs of studies oriented to students' independent learning and lifelong learning in the form of teaching as a problem solving, the discussion according to the situation, case studies, problem-based tasks, interactive tasks.
For each study subject of matter are foreseen consultations, the goal of which is a better adaptation to the individual needs of the student.
There have created the system of integrated business processes in the Faculty of Business Management, involved 18 studies subjects (including 4 subjects belonging to the Department: Organization of Public Sector, Basics of Competition, Research of Organization Environment, Sustainable Business Development), which is used in practical activities.
The virtual learning environment MOODLE gives the possibility to study separately.
VILNIUS TECH study programs and their subjects focus on student self-learning skills improvement expressing them as the formation of functional analytical skills, highlighting the ways of improving the knowledge and developing their values, creating the ability to improve operational competence and knowledge of individual and group work techniques continuously, to study individually and to be creative.
Department is developing programs of studies oriented to students' independent learning and lifelong learning in the form of teaching as a problem solving, the discussion according to the situation, case studies, problem-based tasks, interactive tasks.
For each study subject of matter are foreseen consultations, the goal of which is a better adaptation to the individual needs of the student.
There have created the system of integrated business processes in the Faculty of Business Management, involved 18 studies subjects (including 4 subjects belonging to the Department: Organization of Public Sector, Basics of Competition, Research of Organization Environment, Sustainable Business Development), which is used in practical activities.
The virtual learning environment MOODLE gives the possibility to study separately.
The tutors of the Department teach in English, participate in the Erasmus programs:
Studies of the Marketing specialization of Business Management program and the Business Leadership specialization of Engineering Economics and Management program are conducted in English with a target to increase the internationalization of studies and the promotion of international exchanges of students. Prof. Dr. Renata Korsakienė, Prof. Dr. Laima Jesevičiūtė-Ufartienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Drejeris, Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Paulė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Tamošiūnas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Tamulienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Peleckienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Radzevičienė, Assistant Professor Juliana Smirnova, Assistant Professor S. Davidavičius, Assistant Professor Mindaugas Samoška, Assistant Professor J. Vestertė lead discourses and practical activities in English for the students, studying in VILNIUS TECH and arriving according to students exchange programs.
Department gives the exclusive focus to quality of studies program and is implementing the quality management system:
According to EU funds and the State budget-funded project „Integrated Business Process Modeling System (IVPMS) for the trans-Business and Management Studies“ (Code No. VP1-2.2-MES-07-C-01-038), the Integrated Business Process Modeling System has created in a virtual space (by implementing the mean "Study Quality Improvement, Increasing Internationalization" of Human Resources Development Operational Program Priority 2 "Lifelong Learning" VP1-2.2-MES-07-K in 2007-2013 years), covering 18 subjects, which is used for workshops during the studies.
Year | Project |
2010–2012 | Creation of the Integrated System of the Modelling the Business Processes for Transdisciplinary Studies of Management and Business Administration No. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-01-038l |
2012–2013 | Establishing System of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Internal Studies Quality Management No. VP1-2.1-ŠMM-04-K-02-027 |
2012–2014 | Creation of Formalization System for Acquired Competences by Informal Way in Higher Education Offices No. VP1-2.1-ŠMM-04-K-03-003 |
2015 | Engouragement of the Scientific Activity of Students No. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-01-V-02-003 |
2016–2019 | Strategic Human Resources Management for Southeast Asian Universities HR4ASIA No. 573946-EPP-1-2016-1-VN-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP |
2017–2019 | Partners of Experience LT No. 09.3.1-ESFA-K-731-01-0009 |
2019–2021 | Green Marketing in Lithuania: Critical Evaluation and Development Potential No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-02-0116. EU mean 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-02. |
2020-2024 | The impact of Understanding of Green Marketing on Usage Behavior of Youth Green Products. No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0077. EU mean 09.3.3-LMT-K-712. |
2020–2023 | ERASMUS+ Knowledge Alliance „European Corporate Social Entrepreneurship Curriculum (EMBRACE)“, No. 612464-EPP-1-2019-1-IE-EPPKA2-KA]. |
Introductory Practice
During introductory practice students of Organization management program acquire knowledge on the totality of external environment and internal business factors, their management capabilities, entirety of managerial problems of the institution, specific features of institutional administration and their impact on institutional activities.
During introductory practice, students of Business Management program acquire knowledge on the totality of external environment and internal business factors, their management capabilities, entirety of managerial problems of the company and their impact on company’s activities.
During introductory practice, students of Business Management program acquire knowledge on the totality of external environment and internal business factors, their management capabilities, entirety of managerial problems of the company and their impact on company’s activities.
Professional Practice
During professional practice, students of Organization management program acquire knowledge on the totality of external environment and internal business factors management capabilities, entirety of managerial problems of the institution, specific features of institutional administration and their impact on institutional activities.
During practice, students of Business Management program acquire knowledge on the totality of external environment and internal business factors, their management capabilities, entirety of managerial problems of the company, specific features of valuation, accounting and management and their impact on company’s activities. The task of Professional Practice is here.
During practice, students of Business Management program acquire knowledge on the totality of external environment and internal business factors, their management capabilities, entirety of managerial problems of the company, specific features of valuation, accounting and management and their impact on company’s activities. The task of Professional Practice is here.
Scientific Practice
During scientific practice, master of Social Business Management specialization gets acquaintance with management of social management processes in the organization, instruments applying for its assessment and improvement, gains practical skills and skills in using modern social management theories and assessment instruments, systematically analyzing and solving the scientific problems, meeting the challenges of social management process efficiency improvements and sustainable development.
During scientific practice, master of Marketing Management specialization gets acquaintance with marketing processes in the organization, instruments applying for its assessment and improvement, gains practical skills and skills in using modern marketing theories and assessment instruments, systematically analyzing and solving the scientific problems, meeting the challenges of marketing efficiency improvements.
During scientific practice, master of Organization Management specialization gets acquaintance with management processes in the organization, investigates problems in the field of organizational management development as an object of scientific research; they apply theoretical knowledge gained throughout their studies on contemporary principles of organization of scientific and applied researches and methods to unravel problematic issues in organizational management and strategic development.
During scientific practice, master of Marketing Management specialization gets acquaintance with marketing processes in the organization, instruments applying for its assessment and improvement, gains practical skills and skills in using modern marketing theories and assessment instruments, systematically analyzing and solving the scientific problems, meeting the challenges of marketing efficiency improvements.
During scientific practice, master of Organization Management specialization gets acquaintance with management processes in the organization, investigates problems in the field of organizational management development as an object of scientific research; they apply theoretical knowledge gained throughout their studies on contemporary principles of organization of scientific and applied researches and methods to unravel problematic issues in organizational management and strategic development.
Training Practice
During practice, the master of Aviation Management specialization gets acquaintance with aviation organization management processes and gain practical skills and skills in using modern management theories, systematically analyzing and solving the problems, meeting the challenges of aviation organization management process efficiency improvements.
During practice, master of Business Leadership specialization gets acquaintance with management of business leadership processes in the organization, instruments applying for its assessment and improvement, gains practical skills and skills in using modern business leadership theories and assessment instruments, systematically analyzing and solving the problems, meeting the challenges of business leadership process efficiency improvements.
During practice, master of Business Leadership specialization gets acquaintance with management of business leadership processes in the organization, instruments applying for its assessment and improvement, gains practical skills and skills in using modern business leadership theories and assessment instruments, systematically analyzing and solving the problems, meeting the challenges of business leadership process efficiency improvements.
- Page administrators:
- Kristina Audickaitė
- Jurga Vestertė
- Dominykas Ulevič
- Karolina Kardokaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė