- Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering
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- Department of Physics
- Institute of Applied Computer Science

Department of Physics
The aim of the department is to provide knowledge of fundamental sciences to qualified specialists in the field of engineering prepared by the University and competitive in the domestic and foreign markets, and to carry out the highest level of research.
The main subject supervised by the department is physics. The subject is taught in various scopes for students of bachelor’s degree studies in major faculties, except the faculties of Business Management.
The subjects taught by the Department of Physics are provided with teaching material: textbooks and educational books (in paper and electronic versions), and the methodology of laboratory works (in paper and electronic versions) are published.
Divisions of Physics Department: Laboratory of Photovoltaic Technologies and Laboratory of Physics.
The main subject supervised by the department is physics. The subject is taught in various scopes for students of bachelor’s degree studies in major faculties, except the faculties of Business Management.
The subjects taught by the Department of Physics are provided with teaching material: textbooks and educational books (in paper and electronic versions), and the methodology of laboratory works (in paper and electronic versions) are published.
Divisions of Physics Department: Laboratory of Photovoltaic Technologies and Laboratory of Physics.
The Department of Physics was established in 1965. It is one of the oldest departments in the university. Edmundas Mauza was elected to be the first head of the Department of Physics and served in this position until 1975. If the first decade of the department’s existence was the period of its development and elevation of scientific qualification of young researchers and teachers, while in the second decade (1975 to 1985) particularly efficient research and educational activity is inherent. This term, assoc. professor Antanas Urbelis served as the head of the department.
The Department of Physics has become one of the most qualified departments. From 1985 to 1995 the department was led by professor Juozas Jakimavičius. In this period, especially intensive educational-methodical activity was run, the study programs were reformed, much attention and room were spared for individual studies of students, and the educational laboratories were rearranged. In 1995, professor Antanas Česnys was elected the head of the Physics Department. Master's studies in Technosphere Ecology were started in the Physics department.
The department is allowed to prepare doctors of natural sciences (physics). Masters of Physical Engineering Informatics were started to prepare in cooperation with the Department of Informatics and the Department of Mathematics. 2007-2018 professor Artūras Jukna was the head of the department. Since 2011 The master's study program Solar Cells and Modules Engineering was carried out. Since 2018 professor Dainius Jasaitis is the head of the department.
The Department of Physics has become one of the most qualified departments. From 1985 to 1995 the department was led by professor Juozas Jakimavičius. In this period, especially intensive educational-methodical activity was run, the study programs were reformed, much attention and room were spared for individual studies of students, and the educational laboratories were rearranged. In 1995, professor Antanas Česnys was elected the head of the Physics Department. Master's studies in Technosphere Ecology were started in the Physics department.
The department is allowed to prepare doctors of natural sciences (physics). Masters of Physical Engineering Informatics were started to prepare in cooperation with the Department of Informatics and the Department of Mathematics. 2007-2018 professor Artūras Jukna was the head of the department. Since 2011 The master's study program Solar Cells and Modules Engineering was carried out. Since 2018 professor Dainius Jasaitis is the head of the department.
Research inovation
Fundamental research on materials and processes:
Mathematical models and methods of physical, technological and economic processes;
Materials and technologies of energy sources.
Environmental and energy technologies:
Efficient use of resources and energy;
Environmental protection technologies;
Building energetics;
Renewable energy;
Change of anthropogenic environment.
Mathematical models and methods of physical, technological and economic processes;
Materials and technologies of energy sources.
Environmental and energy technologies:
Efficient use of resources and energy;
Environmental protection technologies;
Building energetics;
Renewable energy;
Change of anthropogenic environment.
Research works
2. Investigations of the properties of electromagnetic wave sources in various media (2020-01-02-2024-12-31). Supervisor – Artūras Jukna.
Defended doctoral thesis
Andrius Maneikis. 2000. Thin films of multicomponent manganese oxides: technology and physical properties. Physical sciences, physics (02P).
Gražina Grigaliūnaitė-Vonsevičienė. 2001. Investigation of electron transfer in semiconductor heterogeneous derivatives by Monte Carlo method. Physical sciences, physics (02P).
Vytautas Dubra. 2001. Assessment of the mineral nitrogen and phosphorus load from the Curonian spit lagoon to the Baltic Sea. Technological sciences, environmental engineering (04T).
Sonata Vdovinskienė. 2003. Passive admixture spreading in the southeastern area of the Baltic Sea. Physical sciences, physics (02P).
Ana Usovaitė. 2005. Experimental investigation and practical use of hard cosmic rays. Technological sciences, environmental engineering (04T).
Milda Pečiulienė. 2006. The research and evaluation of anthropogenic changes of natural ionising radiation. Technological sciences, environmental engineering (04T).
Jasaitis Dainius. 2007. The research and evaluation of volumetric activities of indoor radon short-term decay products. Technological sciences, environmental engineering (04T).
Asta Daunaravičienė. 2007. Passive admixture transfer peculiarity at the Lithuanian coast of the Baltic sea. Technological sciences, environmental engineering (04T).
Jolanta Stupakova. 2008. Physical properties of porous silicon nanostructures under influence of microwave radiation. Physical sciences, physics (02P).
Sonata Tolvaišienė. 2009. Transport of the charge carriers in ultrathin films of manganeses oxides. Physical sciences, physics (02P).
Renata Chadyšienė. 2009. Research and evaluation of variations of ultraviolet radiation in environment. Technological sciences, environmental engineering (04T).
Vaida Valuntaitė. 2009. The investigation and assessment of the man-made ozone formation and dispersion. Technological sciences, environmental engineering (04T).
Jovita Damauskaitė. 2010. Research and application of hard cosmic ray flux for forecasting meteorological conditions. Technological sciences, environmental engineering (04T).
Anastasija Moisejenkova. 2013. Research of dynamics of radiocesium and hydrophysical parameters in the Lithuanian lakes. Technological sciences, environmental engineering (04T).
Sergejus Tretjakovas. 2013. Investigation of total ozone amount and development of its research methods. Technological sciences, environmental engineering (04T).
Lina Steponavičienė. 2013. Investigation and control of motion of magnetic vortices in the thin superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-x films. Physical sciences, physics (02P).
Vigilija Cidzikienė. 2015. Investigations and evaluation of radionuclide migration at planned new nuclear power plant site (04T).
Habilitation procedures
Aloyzas Girgždys. 2006. The research of aerosol and ozone changes in the atmosphere: equipment, research and assessment (04T).
Artūras Jukna. 2008. The investigation and control of current and light induced mixed-state in the superconducting devices (02P).
Jonas Gradauskas. 2011. Semiconductor structures and CO2 laser radiation. Investigation of interaction (02P).
2. Creation of infrastructure in breakthrough trends of materials science, nano-, light-technologies, and higher education. VP2-1.1-ŠMM-04-V-02-002. Coordinator – Artūras Jukna.
3. Materials and technologies for photovoltaic structures and sensors. Coordinator – Artūras Jukna.
4. Investigation of Asymmetrically-Shaped YBaCuO Superconducting Sensors of High Frequency Signals. Coordinator – Artūras Jukna.
5. Smart modular electrical energy storage system. Nr. J05-LVPA-K-03-0108. Coordinator – Dainius Jasaitis.
Executing contracts for outsourced research
2. Determination of the nature of measurement uncertainties and selection of the calculation methodology. Fire Research Centre (2020). Coordinator – Dainius Jasaitis.
Department of Physics
AddressSaulėtekio al. 11, 334 kab.
Phone +370 5 274 4834
Internal phone 9834
E-mail crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmZpemthdEB2Z3R1Lmx0Ij5mbWZpQHZpbG5pdXN0ZWNoLmx0PC9hPg==:xx
Working time
I | 8:00 - 16:45 |
II | 8:00 - 16:45 |
III | 8:00 - 16:45 |
IV | 8:00 - 16:45 |
V | 8:00 - 15:30 |
Lunch Break: 11.30 – 12.00
- Page administrators:
- Emilija Blaškevič
- Ernestas Čepulionis
- Karolina Kardokaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė