Services for business
Here you will find the services and consultations provided by the departments and laboratories of our faculty.
Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering
Protein purification from natural and recombinant sources;
Determination of protein purity by various physico-chemical methods;
Computer modelling of interaction between proteins or proteins and other molecules;
Use of the eukaryotic cell lines for cytotoxicity assay;
Toxicological (including genotoxic) studies in model systems in vivo and in vitro;
Protein isolation and fractionation from different cell organelles, immune analysis, preparation for mass spectrometric analysis.
Biotechnology and bioinformatics, protein structure research, and biotechnology product marketing;
Eukaryotic cells use in regenerative medicine;
Electroanalytical toxin detection methods;
Protein extraction, fractionation according to molecular weight and / or isoelectric point.
Department of Graphical Systems
Scientific services, expertise and offered products
Editing of audio / video material, elimination of noise, vibration and other interference; application and development of video technologies; graphic editing.
Real-time 3D motion data tracking with subsequent processing and CGI application;
Website development (HTML) - DB, architecture, structure; object-dependent analysis (object content recognition); low and high level user interface prototype (mock-ups) design.
GIS analysis tools (ArcToolbox); GIS extensions; GIS application programming; object creation / programming (ArcObjects); geoinformation systems.
2D and 3D (Solid) modeling, generation of working drawings according to current standards; architecture and design of buildings; realistic image visualization; geometric and volumetric modeling, creation of parametric models.
Development of augmented reality mobile applications: selection of image and video material processing algorithms, their practical implementation.
Development of computer games: development of game design and mechanics, development of game interface, geometry and animation, software implementation of the project.
Image and video processing technologies: identification of characteristic points and their properties, recognition processes, raster graphics segmentation, authentication.
Laboratory of the Photovoltaic technology
Service name
Short description
We study the quality of photovoltaic modules / solar cells, determine the location of defects and their amount, and evaluate the longevity of the photovoltaic device.
The tests are performed with a stationary electroluminescence control device. Due to the installed improvements, the device can be used to examine not only the photovoltaic modules, but also the defects of each individual solar cell, assess their quality, and to predict the longevity of the device(s). (The apparatus must be brought to the testing laboratory for testing).
Investigations of the intensity and effect of ultraviolet radiation in various media and / or interactions with different surfaces. |
The radiant power density of solar and artificial radiation sources (such as electric arc welding machines, quartz lamps, etc.) is measured with a standard / industrial photometer and / or photometric radiometer with a wavelength of 365 nm (UVA) and power densities of 1.99 - 199 mW/cm2. and an accuracy in the wavelength range of 270-310 nm (UVC-UVB) and a power density in the range of 1 to 200 mW / cm2 and an accuracy of at least 0.01 mW/cm2 (mobile devices). The optoelectronic properties of photovoltaic materials in the wavelength range of 300 to 6000 nm are measured with stationary spectrometers in the laboratory.
Ozone concentration and dispersion studies |
The industrial ozonometer measures the amount of ozone and the change in its concentration in various media and on various surfaces.
Investigations and theoretical modeling of electromagnetic field power density in various media
The tests use a standard antenna with a computer frequency in the range of 0 to 6 GHz and power in the range of 0 to 12 dBi. The power density of the electromagnetic waves is recorded on a mobile 8 GHz mobile detector or a mobile computer-controlled 4 GHz frequency band spectrometer. |
Investigations of changes in natural ionizing radiation in recreational areas and urban areas. |
Investigations of natural ionizing radiation in soil, water, and air are performed with mobile and / or alpha and beta detectors. The emission spectrum is measured with a mobile gamma spectrometer. |
Water transparency studies (turbidity, optical absorption, optical scattering) |
Water transparency is measured using a home-made optical test technique by illuminating water at 490, 550, and 600 nm.
- Page administrators:
- Emilija Blaškevič
- Ernestas Čepulionis
- Karolina Kardokaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė