The Faculty of Fundamental Sciences (FFS) is the largest inter-disciplinary faculty at the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University composed of 8 departments, two of which are largest in terms of the number of full-time equivalent employees. The faculty organizes studies in three levels; in 2021 it had over 1800 students, 202 teaching staff and 4 full-time researchers. The administration of the faculty consisted of 18 employees, while research and teaching laboratories employed 13 of auxiliary staff.
The vision of the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences is to be a prestigious center for fundamental research and studies on the level of the best European universities that is attractive to local and foreign researchers and students.
The mission of the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences is to educate and foster a personality that is civilly responsible, creative, with critical and analytic thinking, responsive to science and newest technologies, to promote scientific progress as well as domestic social and economic wellbeing.
The goals of the Fundamental Science Faculty:
Conduct scientific research as well as studies based on standards and best practices
Guarantee the supply of relevant studies and their quality
Foster a universally educated, responsible, creative and enterprising personality that is receptive to science and newest technologies
Conduct various scientific research including that of inter-disciplinary kind
Train young scientist and lecturers providing them the conducive environment
Collaborate with domestic and regional external partners and society

In the first year of its existence the faculty offered its first study programmes, bachelor‘s and master‘s degree programmes in Engineering Informatics, with the intake of 64 bachelor and 34 master students. Currently, the faculty has seven running bachelor programmes, four of which are in Informatics, with the 2013 intake of 195 students. In 1994, a Bioengineering bachelor programme with emphasis on biotechnology was opened, and managed to attract 25 students in its first year. The programme runs successfully to this day with about forty new students each year, and has been expanded to two master programmes. First students were admitted into mathematical studies, a bachelor’s programme in technomathematics, a programme uniting the fields of mathematics, informatics, and technologies, in 2004. The first graduates of the programme have already finished their master studies in the field and have been successfully working on their doctorates in mathematics and informatics. The faculty offered many new study programmes in 2011: three new bachelor programmes – Multimedia and Computer Design, Business Information Systems, and Applied Statistics and Econometrics, as well as three new master programmes – Nanobiotechnologies, Solar Element and Module Engineering, and Information and Information Technologies Security. The graduates of the bachelor programme in IT Service Management can also earn a minor in Business Administration starting the year of 2011. The faculty offers 12 graduate study programmes with the intake of 112 Master students in 2013. A doctoral programme in Informatics Engineering is also offered with the current batch of 10 students.
Over time the faculty expanded to ten departments: Information Systems, Information Technologies, Graphical Systems, Chemistry and Bioengineering, Physics, Engineering Graphics, Mathematical Modeling, Mathematical Statistics, Strength of Materials, and Theoretical Mechanics. The faculty has six science laboratories and five teaching laboratories. The faculty employs 268 lecturers, including 33 professor and 132 associate professors. Among them are many renowned Lithuanian scientists, including the members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences J. Kulys, V. A. Bumelis, J. Mockus, M. Sapagovas, R. Rudzkis, and R. Kačianauskas. The work and accomplishments of the faculty members have been often recognized with national awards and grants.
The faculty closely collaborates both in the field of studies and scientific work with the science institutes of Mathematics and Informatics, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Botanic, and Semiconductor Physics, as well as the companies of Sicor Biotech, Fermentas, Biocentras, HNIT-BALTIC, Exigen Services Lietuva, Enova verslo sprendimai, Bentley Systems Lithuania, and IBM Lietuva.
Over time the faculty expanded to ten departments: Information Systems, Information Technologies, Graphical Systems, Chemistry and Bioengineering, Physics, Engineering Graphics, Mathematical Modeling, Mathematical Statistics, Strength of Materials, and Theoretical Mechanics. The faculty has six science laboratories and five teaching laboratories. The faculty employs 268 lecturers, including 33 professor and 132 associate professors. Among them are many renowned Lithuanian scientists, including the members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences J. Kulys, V. A. Bumelis, J. Mockus, M. Sapagovas, R. Rudzkis, and R. Kačianauskas. The work and accomplishments of the faculty members have been often recognized with national awards and grants.
The faculty closely collaborates both in the field of studies and scientific work with the science institutes of Mathematics and Informatics, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Botanic, and Semiconductor Physics, as well as the companies of Sicor Biotech, Fermentas, Biocentras, HNIT-BALTIC, Exigen Services Lietuva, Enova verslo sprendimai, Bentley Systems Lithuania, and IBM Lietuva.
- Page administrators:
- Emilija Blaškevič
- Ernestas Čepulionis
- Karolina Kardokaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė