- Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering
- Department of Engineering Graphics
- Department of Graphical Systems
- Department of Information Systems
- Department of Information Technologies
- Department of Mathematical Modelling
- Department of Mathematical Statistics
- Department of Physics
- Institute of Applied Computer Science

Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering
The Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering was established in 1996. At the department, the basics of chemistry are taught to students of other VILNIUS TECH faculties, and the study programs that produce I and II cycle graduates in the field of biotechnology are held. Since 2015 the position of the head of department is held by dr. Jaunius Urbonavičius.
In 2016, the Laboratory of Bioinformatics was reorganized into the Laboratory of Molecular Biotechnology, which is headed by assoc. prof. dr. Jolanta Sereikaitė. The Department performs the research in the fields of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Chemical engineering), as well as interdisciplinary research in cooperation with Faculties of Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Electronics of VILNIUS TECH and other Lithuanian higher education institutions (VU, KTU), research centers (Centre for Innovative Medicine, National Cancer institute, Nature Research Centre, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology) and foreign partners.
In 2016, the Laboratory of Bioinformatics was reorganized into the Laboratory of Molecular Biotechnology, which is headed by assoc. prof. dr. Jolanta Sereikaitė. The Department performs the research in the fields of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Chemical engineering), as well as interdisciplinary research in cooperation with Faculties of Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Electronics of VILNIUS TECH and other Lithuanian higher education institutions (VU, KTU), research centers (Centre for Innovative Medicine, National Cancer institute, Nature Research Centre, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology) and foreign partners.
The Department of Chemistry was established in 1963 at the Vilnius branch of Kaunas Polytechnic Institute, headed by assoc.prof. Ipolitas Nickus. In 1969 KPI Vilnius branch became an independent Institute of Civil Engineering in Vilnius, and the Department of Chemistry was one of its Departments. In 1974, as head of the department, prof. Povilas Norkus was appointed. At that time, the research was conducted in the field of chemical analysis, and methods for the quantification of precious metals were developed.
In 1991, the Department of Chemistry was included into the Department of Building Materials. The head of the department was assoc.prof. Albinas Gailius. Since 1995, the position of the head was held by prof. Algimantas Kazragis. During this period, the department was investigating and developing the thermal insulation building materials. In 1996, the Department of Building Materials was reorganized, and the current Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering that trains the specialists in the field of Biotechnologies, was established. The position of the head of the Department was held by prof. Algimantas Kazragis.
In 2001 prof. Juozas Kulys, member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, was appointed as head of the Department. The Department began to develop the research in the fields of biotechnology, bioinformatics, and biological modeling. The Laboratory of Bioinformatics was established at the Department, and prof. Vladas Algirdas Bumelis, member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. In, 2012, “Joint VU and VGTU Cell Technology Laboratory” is established, headed by a joint council (VILNIUS TECH is represented by prof. Juozas Kulys, assoc. prof. Evaldas Liutkevičius). From 2015, dr. Jaunius Urbonavičius is acting as a head of the Department. In 2016, The Laboratory of Bioinformatics was reorganized into the Laboraotry of Molecular Biology, which will is headed by assoc. prof. dr. Jolanta Sereikaitė.
In 1991, the Department of Chemistry was included into the Department of Building Materials. The head of the department was assoc.prof. Albinas Gailius. Since 1995, the position of the head was held by prof. Algimantas Kazragis. During this period, the department was investigating and developing the thermal insulation building materials. In 1996, the Department of Building Materials was reorganized, and the current Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering that trains the specialists in the field of Biotechnologies, was established. The position of the head of the Department was held by prof. Algimantas Kazragis.
In 2001 prof. Juozas Kulys, member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, was appointed as head of the Department. The Department began to develop the research in the fields of biotechnology, bioinformatics, and biological modeling. The Laboratory of Bioinformatics was established at the Department, and prof. Vladas Algirdas Bumelis, member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. In, 2012, “Joint VU and VGTU Cell Technology Laboratory” is established, headed by a joint council (VILNIUS TECH is represented by prof. Juozas Kulys, assoc. prof. Evaldas Liutkevičius). From 2015, dr. Jaunius Urbonavičius is acting as a head of the Department. In 2016, The Laboratory of Bioinformatics was reorganized into the Laboraotry of Molecular Biology, which will is headed by assoc. prof. dr. Jolanta Sereikaitė.
- Bachelor‘s study program – Bioengineering.
The aim of the study program is to prepare specialists who will work at the industry dealing with biotechnology, food, agriculture and also at the institutions involved in quality control, education and research.
This program is unique in Lithuania since it teaches the management, analysis and modeling of biotechnological and chemical processes, describing them in a language understood by biotechnologists around the world. Students acquire basic knowledge of microbiology, biochemistry, cell biology, genetic engineering, modeling of biological systems, biochemical engineering and learn how to apply this knowledge in practice.
Degree awarded: Bachelor of Technological Sciences
This program is unique in Lithuania since it teaches the management, analysis and modeling of biotechnological and chemical processes, describing them in a language understood by biotechnologists around the world. Students acquire basic knowledge of microbiology, biochemistry, cell biology, genetic engineering, modeling of biological systems, biochemical engineering and learn how to apply this knowledge in practice.
Degree awarded: Bachelor of Technological Sciences
- Master‘s study program – Bioengineering.
The aim of the Boengineering study program is to prepare Masters of Bioengineering with basic knowledge in the fields of gene, protein, biochemical engineering, modeling and bioinformatics analysis of the biological systems, who are able to perform research independently, analyze the results and continue their studies in doctoral studies.
Degree awarded: Master of Technological Sciences
Degree awarded: Master of Technological Sciences
- Master‘s study program – Nanobiotechnology.
The aim of the Nanobiotechnology study program is to prepare Masters of Nanobiotechnology with basic knowledge of gene, cell and tissue engineering, nanomaterials, nanomedicine, diagnostic nanobiotechnology and microencapsulation of biocomponents, who are able to perform research independently, analyze the results obtained and continue studies in doctoral studies.
Degree awarded: Master of Technological Sciences
Degree awarded: Master of Technological Sciences
Research inovation
The Department conducts the research according to the VILNIUS TECH priority research topic „Research on Cells and Their Biologically Active Components“ and interdisciplinary research in cooperation with other faculties, universities and research institutes.
During the last 5 years the following projects have been implemented at the Department:
International Projects
During the last 5 years the following projects have been implemented at the Department:
International Projects
- Lithuanian–Ukrainian Cooperation Programme
- „Research of methanogenesis of aquatic plant biomass in order to obtain an alternative source of energy-fuel biogas in a three-stage bioreactor“. Project implementers – dr. Jaunius Urbonavičius and Dovilė Vasiliauskienė.
COST Programme
- COST Actiom CA20133 „Cross-border transfer and development of sustainable resourse recovery strategies towards zero waste“. 2021–2025. Management Committee Substitute Member dr. Jaunius Urbonavičius.
https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA20133/ - COST Action CA20106 „Tomorrow’s ‘wheat of the sea’: ulva, a model for an innovative mariculture“. 2021–2025. Management Committee Member dr. Jolanta Sereikaitė.
www.cost.eu/actions/CA20106/ - COST Action CA15136 “European network to advance carotenoid research and application in agro-food and health (EUROCAROTEN)“. 2016–2020. Management Committee Member dr. Jolanta Sereikaitė, Management Committee Substitute Member dr. Rūta Gruškienė.
National Projects
Researcher groups projects:
Researcher groups projects:
- „New antimicrobials for healthy and safety food“ (Antimikrobas). 2022–2025. Project leader – assoc. prof. dr. Jolanta Sereikaitė.
- „Metabolic fate of modified heterocyclic bases of transfer RNA“ (METAFATE). 2022–2025. Project leader – dr. Daiva Tauraitė.
- „Modern thermal insulating materials containing waste compounds with low susceptibility to microbial degradation“ (GTIM). 2019–2022. Project leader – dr. Jaunius Urbonavičius.
- „Structural application of biological concrete and investigation of serviceability performance in North climatic region“. 2020-2022. Project implementers – Augusta Ivaškė and Simona Guobužaitė.
- National Research Programme „Healthy ageing“
- „Soft tissue engineering: from cell to arficial tissue“ (ReSoft). 2015–2018. Project leader of VGTU (VILNIUS TECH) part – dr. Evaldas Liutkevičius.
Promotion of the activities of centers of excellence and innovation and technology transfer centers
- „Center for environmentally friendly structural, composite materials and environmental technologies, 2019-2021. Project implementers – dr. Jaunius Urbonavičius and Dovilė Vasiliauskienė.
Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-19-0064 „New formulation for carotenoid transport“. 2020–2022. Leader - J. Sereikaitė, postdoc - senior researcher A. Strakšys.
- 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0154 „Search and characterization of the enzymes that are involved in catabolism of the modified purine heterocyclic bases“. 2020–2021. Leader - J. Urbonavičius, postdoc - senior researcher S. Moosavi.
- 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-02-0039 „Synthesis and investigation of carotenoids encapsulated three component particles“. 2017–2019. Leader- J. Sereikaitė, postdoc - senior researcher Alma Bočkuvienė.
Students internships and research projects
- Students internships project 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-24-0182 „Importance of FMN cofactor binding domain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Tyw1 protein for enzymatic activity“. Leader – dr. J. Urbonavičius, student - S. Guobužaitė.
- Students research project 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-25-0056 „Investigation of the use of fucoidan in nisin transport“. Leader – dr. R. Gruškienė, student - A. Galinskaitė.
Commissioned research work
- Structural-functional studies of peptide X. 2021. Roquette Amilina, AB. Leader – assoc. prof. dr.Jolanta Sereikaitė.
Research works
- Research on recombinant proteins. 2016–2017. Leader – assoc. prof.dr. Jolanta Sereikaitė
- Bioengineering of eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms and the enzymes isolated from those. 2017–2021. Leader - dr. Jaunius Urbonavičius.
- Biologically active compounds: preparation, properties and application. 2018–2022. Leader – assoc. prof. dr. Jolanta Sereikaitė.
- Method for obtaining ceramic products with the addition of slag (bottom ash). Patent No. LT 6689, Autors: Voišnienė Violeta, Kizinievič Olga, Kizinievič Viktor. 2020-01-10. VILNIUS TECH, Lithuania.
Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering
Address Saulėtekio al. 11, 203 kab.
Phone +370 5 274 4839
Internal phone 9839
E-mail crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmNoZW1rYXRAdmlsbml1c3RlY2gubHQiPmNoZW1rYXRAdmlsbml1c3RlY2gubHQ8L2E+:xx
Working time
I | 8:00 - 16:45 |
II | 8:00 - 16:45 |
III | 8:00 - 16:45 |
IV | 8:00 - 16:45 |
V | 8:00 - 15:30 |
Lunch Break: 11.30 – 12.00
- Page administrators:
- Emilija Blaškevič
- Ernestas Čepulionis
- Karolina Kardokaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė