Researchers of the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences are actively conducting research in the fields of natural and technological sciences.
Achievements in the field of science:
Achievements in the field of science:
- 2017 - Lithuanian Science Prize in the field of physical sciences awarded to the joint team of VILNIUS TECH and VU researchers M. Sapagovas, R. Čiegis and A. Štikonas “Non-classical differential problems and their solution methods” (2002 - 2016).
- 2010 The Lithuanian Science Prize in the field of technological sciences is awarded to the joint cycle of scientific works of KTU, VGTU and VPU researchers R. Bansevičius, G. Kulvietis and P. Vasiljevs “Piezomechanical Systems: Theory and Applications (1996–2009)”.
- For the first time the monograph of the university researcher was published in the internationally recognized scientific publishing house Springer. This is Prof. of the Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering. J. Kulis and co-authors have published the work “Mathematical modeling of biosensors: an introduction for chemists and mathematicians” in English.
- 1999 - Lithuanian Science Prize for 1983–1998. dedicated to A.Čenis for the cycle of works “Theoretical and Experimental Study of Dynamic Chaos” (together with Kęstutis Pyragas and Arūnas Tamaševičius).
- 1995 - Raimondas Čiegis, Feliksas Ivanauskas, Mifodijus Sapagovs were awarded the Lithuanian Science Prize for the cycle of works “Numerical Methods for Solving Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications (1973–1992)”.
- Page administrators:
- Emilija Blaškevič
- Ernestas Čepulionis
- Karolina Kardokaitė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė