VILNIUS TECH virtual library
It is an integral searching system allowing access to search for Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Library resources, subscribed databases, open access electronic resources, LST standarts, other Lithuanian universities libraries resources, Lithuanian Academic Electronic Library (eLABa).
VILNIUS TECH virtual library
VILNIUS TECH virtual library
Virtual library help
How to change the language of user interface?
- When wanting to change the interface language press „...“ and then click on „Display language“.
- Another way to change the interface language is by clicking your Surname and Name (or the Menu icon if you‘re not signed in) in the upper-right corner of the screen and selecting „Display language“.

How to sign in?
- When wanting to Sign in, click on the „Sign in“ icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.

- Choose „VILNIUS TECH Single Sign on“ (1) and put in your log in information (2)
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How to perform a basic search?
- When wanting to perform a basic search, type the title, key word or author(s) in the search bar and press
- Once you have entered keywords you will get the results.

How to search for an exact phrase?
- To search for an exact phrase (words next to each other and in exact order) type quotation marks around the phrase. For example, to search for " Film. Cinema. Screen" as one term, type the following in the search box:

- You can combine both words and phrases in your search. For example: "information management" security will perform a combined search:

How to use search filters?
The "Active filters" section, located on the left side of the Basic Results search, displays a list of categories known as facets. Each facet can be applied with two options: "YES" (to include only entries with the selected attributes) and "NO" (to exclude entries with the selected attributes).
First, select the filters for which you want to refine the search results. When the filters are checked, the records matching these attributes will be included in the list of search results (A). If you want to exclude records with the selected attributes, tick the "Exclude" box (B).

Tips on how to refine your search results:
- To find out in which reading room or building (Central Library; Technology and Management reading room; Architecture and Creative industries sciences reading room) the required book or other document is located, use the "Library" filter. The results for each reading room will show the number of publications that match your search and are available.

- By selecting the 'Availability' filter, you will be able to see only those documents that are available online or are freely accessible in the library.

- By using the 'Creation date' filter, you can specify the time period during which the documents you need were published and narrow down your search results.

- By selecting the 'Resource Type' filter, you can refine your search results based on the type of document (books, articles, journals, dissertations, etc.).

- To ensure that more accurate and recent search results are displayed first, use the “Sort by” feature.

How to perform a search in a Selected Search Scope?
What is a Search Scope?
The search scope defines where the system should perform the search. The default search scope is called “Library Resources” and consists of all local catalogues, subscribed and freely available resources from VILNIUS TECH library. The search scope can be changed by selecting a search scope from the drop-down list in the search box.
How to select a Search Scope?
Tips for selecting a search scope:
You can also search in the top search bar by selecting the appropriate section.
The search scope defines where the system should perform the search. The default search scope is called “Library Resources” and consists of all local catalogues, subscribed and freely available resources from VILNIUS TECH library. The search scope can be changed by selecting a search scope from the drop-down list in the search box.
How to select a Search Scope?
Tips for selecting a search scope:
- When searching for physical documents – books and publications that you can order and pick up at the Central Library or the faculty reading room – it is recommended to choose the resource "Library Resources"
- To search for both physical and electronic resources, it is recommended to choose the resource "Library Catalogue"

- If you are looking for scientific publications on behalf of VILNIUS TECH, it is recommended to choose „Scientific Publications (VILNIUS TECH eLABa PDB).“
- If you are searching for publications, articles or extracts published by VILNIUS TECH it is recommended to select the „VILNIUS TECH in the Press" resource
- If you are looking for scientific journals published by VILNIUS TECH, choose „VILNIUS TECH Research Journals (until 2022)” or „VILNIUS TECH Research Journals“ according to the publication period you are searching for.
- If you are looking for not only journals but all resources subscribed by VILNIUS TECH, we recommend choose „VILNIUS TECH Subscribed databases‘‘.
- If you are looking for publications, final theses, doctoral dissertations and their summaries written by VILNIUS TECH lecturers, researchers and students – it is recommended to choose the resource „Electronic Theses and Dissertations (VILNIUS TECH eLABa ETD)’‘.
- If you want to search in other academic library databases or in the catalog of the Lithuanian Standards Department, choose „Lithuanian Standards Board Standards (LST)‘‘ (* the full text of the standard is only available by entering a personal institutional ID number and password)
- „Main Lithuanian Academic Institution Catalogues (BK)‘‘ – will allow you to search the resources of other academic libraries.
You can also search in the top search bar by selecting the appropriate section.

- Library search matches with the search within the library resources.
- Browse search helps you find the required publication by author, title, call number, or subject.
- Journal search allows you to search for journals by their title and/or category.
- Database search provides access to the library’s available, tested, and subscribed databases.
- Newspapers search helps you find newspapers, articles, and news.
- Lecturer-recommended literature gives you access to the literature recommended by lecturers. In the window that opens, we advise you to select your chosen faculty, study level, and study direction (e.g., Faculty of Architecture, Manufacturing Engineering, 5th year - Industrial Product Design).

- You will find the search resources listed above by clicking on the ellipsis icon.
How to perform an Advanced search?
By selecting an advanced search you could specify your search results by source type, language, year, and keywords.
The use of logical operators:
If you find no results in the search, try to:
- To use advanced search open the main virtual library page and click on „Advanced search“.
- In the following field you will be able to choose source type, language, year, keywords and the resource in which you will perform the search
- You can include the following operators between words and phrases in each search line selecting either AND, OR, and NOT.
The use of logical operators:
- The AND operator is used to find all documents in which each of the search objects occurs at least once. For example, to find all documents that contain the word management and the word marketing.
- The operator OR is used to find documents that contain at least one of the search objects. For example, to find all documents that contain the word management or the word marketing.
- The NOT operator is used to find all documents that contain one search object but no other. For example, to find documents that contain the word management but not the word marketing.
If you find no results in the search, try to:
- Perform the search with fewer words.
- Check if everything is spelled correctly.
- Try a different search area.
- Perform the search with different words. For ISBN and ISSN searches, try with/without hyphens.
- Perform the search with broader topics.
How to place requests?
- After you have signed in and found the book that you are looking for, click on it‘s title. There you‘ll see „Request“ (if you prefer a physical publication) or „Digitization“ (if you want a digital copy of the publication) icon.

- If the book is in a multiple location choose the correct pick up location from where you‘ll take the book. Don‘t forget to order by „Send Request“.

- After placing a request you‘ll see a confirmation.

- If you want a digital copy of the publication click on „Digitization“

- Fill out needed information (title of a chaptar/article, author, which pages you‘ll be needing)
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Note, that digitization is a paid service and you can find it‘s rates in the list of rates for paid services.
What information can be seen in a detailed publication record?
After selecting a required record you can display additional information in a record's Full Display window. Users can either scroll to a particular section or use a bar menu on the left side of the page.

Sent to – in this section you can find references that will be useful in order to save records, sent via email, sent to reference management service, create a permalink, or other.
Get it – this section is to request physical items.
Details – this section is to find additional information.
Virtual Browse – this section allows you to browse for items based on the location of an item – the user will be able to navigate through items on the shelf, starting at the selected item’s browse/call number value.
Links – additional links of an item (the Table of Contents, cover art, link to resource and other).

Sent to – in this section you can find references that will be useful in order to save records, sent via email, sent to reference management service, create a permalink, or other.
Get it – this section is to request physical items.
Details – this section is to find additional information.
Virtual Browse – this section allows you to browse for items based on the location of an item – the user will be able to navigate through items on the shelf, starting at the selected item’s browse/call number value.
Links – additional links of an item (the Table of Contents, cover art, link to resource and other).
How to save search results?
Logged-in users can save found entries in their favorites, view and delete them, and add labels. For users who are not logged in, records are saved only for the duration of the session of work in the browser.
To save the selected record you‘ll need:
To save the selected record you‘ll need:
- to sign in
- to performe search
- in the search result, to click on the „Save“ icon

- to see your saved records, books, publications, ect. click on your last and first name in the upper right corner of the screen and select „My Favorites“. Here you will be able to see your saved search results

Library card and readers account section
With the “Library card” feature, you can:
“Library Card” is accessible by clicking the Sign-In area in the upper right corner of the screen and choosing “My Library card” in the expanded menu:
Once logged in to your account, you can find the following in the library card section:
- View your loans and extend the deadlines for loaned items.
- View your requests and saved records.
- Change personal preferences and language of user interface.
“Library Card” is accessible by clicking the Sign-In area in the upper right corner of the screen and choosing “My Library card” in the expanded menu:
Once logged in to your account, you can find the following in the library card section:
- Overview – all relevant information.
- Loans – a list of all your borrowed publications.
- Requests – pending requests that are on hold.
- Fines and Fees – all fees and fines for publications not returned on time.
- Blocks and Messages – all suspended rights or messages from the library.
- Personal Details – information regarding the expiration date of your account.

How to renew my loans?
- To renew your loans click on the "Sign in“ icon in the upper-right corner of the screen. In the following window click on "My Loans“ field:
After viewing your loans section scroll down to the publication you want to renew and click on "Renew“:
- After renewing the publication, you will see the new return date:
How do I know if I have any fines?
- To see if you have current fines, click on your name and surname icon in the upper-right corner of the screen. On the extended menu, choose "Library card“:
- There you will see a („fine+ fees“) section:
You can pay your current fines at the Information Center of the Central Library (located in the lobby on the 1st floor) or by bank transfer.
Note! Don't forget to send a copy of the payment receipt to the library's email address crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmJpYmxpb3Rla2FAdmlsbml1c3RlY2gubHQiPmJpYmxpb3Rla2FAdmlsbml1c3RlY2gubHQ8L2E+:xx
Payment details:
Recipient: Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
Bank Account: LT32 7300 0100 0245 9012
Purpose of payment : fine for late returns (write down your student ID number).
Having trouble using Virtual Library?
If you encounter links that are not working, search failures, or other issues in the Virtual Library, you can report them to library staff by email at crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmJpYmxpb3Rla2FAdmlsbml1c3RlY2gubHQiPmJpYmxpb3Rla2FAdmlsbml1c3RlY2gubHQ8L2E+:xx, by phone at (0 5) 274 4900, or by talking to a library employee directly.
- Page administrators:
- Jolanta Juršėnė
- Asta Katinaitė-Griežienė
- Olena Dubova
- Orinta Sajetienė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė