Currently, all books published by VILNIUS TECH have a digital version. More than 650 books are published on the VILNIUS TECH eBook platform All VILNIUS TECH eBooks have an individual DOI, which is given in URL format, and if the link is found in another information source (book, articles, website, etc.), please type it in your web browser and it will take you to the page of the eBook.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University enables students and the entire VILNIUS TECH community to have free access to all eBooks published by VILNIUS TECH. A significant number of Lithuanian higher education institutions also subscribe to VILNIUS TECH eBooks and offer free access to their students. Ebooks can be read remotely by connecting to the VILNIUS TECH computer network through a VPN. Connecting to the VPN service requires additional two-factor authentication (i.e., confirmation through the mobile device app or a call) for security purposes.
Lecturers, part-time, and distance learning students particularly appreciated this model of disseminating academic literature. In this period, the availability of eBooks is important for all those who work and study remotely.
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It is important for the reader to make sure that a book contains all information they need when considering a purchase. In fact, it is easier to find the information needed in digital publications than to flip through a printed publication. It is possible to search for the information needed (a word, phrase, or sentence) among all the books on the platform. Before purchasing an eBook, it is possible to browse the table of contents and read the first 10-15 pages of the book. The purchase can be done either through the Ebooks website or
For more information on the eBook reading possibilities on the platform, click here.
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- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė