Dictionary of Science and Technology
Dictionary of Science and Technology terminology in English, Italian, French, and Russian.
Dictionary of Science and Technology terminology in English, Italian, French, and Russian.
EuroVoc Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union
EuroVoc homepageMultidisciplinary thesaurus Terms in 23 EU languages.
EuroVoc homepageMultidisciplinary thesaurus Terms in 23 EU languages.
MyMemory - the world's largest translation memoryWords and text translation with synonyms, phrases.
MyMemory - the world's largest translation memoryWords and text translation with synonyms, phrases.
tilde.ltText and words translation in English-Lithuanian, Lithuanian-English, English-Latvian and Latvian-English, Latvian-Russian, English-Estonian, Estonian-English, Russian-Latvian.
tilde.ltText and words translation in English-Lithuanian, Lithuanian-English, English-Latvian and Latvian-English, Latvian-Russian, English-Estonian, Estonian-English, Russian-Latvian.
Writefull helps researchers and students improve their written English. So much more than simply a grammar and spelling checker, it suggests improvements to academic language usage, such as sentence structures in scientific writing, discipline-specific vocabulary and appropriate word choice.
Writefull for Word provides real-time language feedback on the text you write in your Word document.
To create an account click the "Sign in" button in the Word toolbar to open the Writefull sign up / sign in screen, click ‘Don’t have an account?’, enter institutinal email (@vilniustech.lt, @stud.vilniustech.lt) and create password (NOT institutional password) then click "Sign up". You will then receive a confirmation email, to verify your newly created account.
Writefull for Word user guide >>>
Writefull Revise
"Writefull Revise" screens text for correctness of grammar, word use, style, and more. It can be used by students and researchers to upload and check the language quality of a text they have already written, and to ensure that any language mistakes are corrected.
To use the "Writefull Revise" tool, you must create a personal account with an institutional email address. email address: @ vilniustech.lt, @ stud.vilniustech.lt (for security purposes please do NOT use institutional password).
Writefull Cite
"Writefull Cite" screens texts for citation completeness, highlighting sentences that should be supported by a reference. It can be used by students and researchers to check for citation completeness within their text, to ensure that claims are supported by references as appropriate.
To use the "Writefull Cite" tool, you must create a personal account with an institutional email address. email address: @ vilniustech.lt, @ stud.vilniustech.lt (for security purposes please do NOT use institutional password).
Record of the Writefull webinar >>>
Writefull helps researchers and students improve their written English. So much more than simply a grammar and spelling checker, it suggests improvements to academic language usage, such as sentence structures in scientific writing, discipline-specific vocabulary and appropriate word choice.
Writefull for Word provides real-time language feedback on the text you write in your Word document.
To create an account click the "Sign in" button in the Word toolbar to open the Writefull sign up / sign in screen, click ‘Don’t have an account?’, enter institutinal email (@vilniustech.lt, @stud.vilniustech.lt) and create password (NOT institutional password) then click "Sign up". You will then receive a confirmation email, to verify your newly created account.
Writefull for Word user guide >>>
Writefull Revise
"Writefull Revise" screens text for correctness of grammar, word use, style, and more. It can be used by students and researchers to upload and check the language quality of a text they have already written, and to ensure that any language mistakes are corrected.
To use the "Writefull Revise" tool, you must create a personal account with an institutional email address. email address: @ vilniustech.lt, @ stud.vilniustech.lt (for security purposes please do NOT use institutional password).
Writefull Cite
"Writefull Cite" screens texts for citation completeness, highlighting sentences that should be supported by a reference. It can be used by students and researchers to check for citation completeness within their text, to ensure that claims are supported by references as appropriate.
To use the "Writefull Cite" tool, you must create a personal account with an institutional email address. email address: @ vilniustech.lt, @ stud.vilniustech.lt (for security purposes please do NOT use institutional password).
Record of the Writefull webinar >>>
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- Orinta Sajetienė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė