Academic Complete & Library Thing Books Cover Widget Package
Academic Complete & Library Thing Books Cover Widget Package
239 904 books of technology, social, physical and humanity sciences.
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
239 904 books of technology, social, physical and humanity sciences.
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Access Engineering
Access Engineering
Multidisciplinary engineering database contains more than 900 e-books, as well as spreadsheets, interactive graphs, case studies and videos.
Video Tutorials >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Multidisciplinary engineering database contains more than 900 e-books, as well as spreadsheets, interactive graphs, case studies and videos.
Video Tutorials >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
ACM Digital Library
ACM Digital Library
Journals and conference proceedings in the fields of computing and information technology.
List of subscribed journals >>>
ACM Digital Library video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Journals and conference proceedings in the fields of computing and information technology.
List of subscribed journals >>>
ACM Digital Library video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
ACS Publications
ACS Publications
Scientific journals in all fields of chemistry.
Access to Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN) collection.
List of subscribed journals >>>
ACS Publications video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Scientific journals in all fields of chemistry.
Access to Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN) collection.
List of subscribed journals >>>
ACS Publications video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Applied Science and Technology Source (EBSCO)
Applied Science and Technology Source (EBSCO)
1486 full-text journals and other publications covering computing, technology and engineering disciplines.
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
1486 full-text journals and other publications covering computing, technology and engineering disciplines.
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Cambridge University Press eBooks
Cambridge University Press
90 various disciplines Cambridge University Press e-books purchased at the request of VILNIUS TECH lecturers >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network. This database can be accessed from home using VPN service. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
90 various disciplines Cambridge University Press e-books purchased at the request of VILNIUS TECH lecturers >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network. This database can be accessed from home using VPN service. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
EBSCO eBook Academic Collection
EBSCO eBook Academic Collection
More than 240 000 books of various disciplines.
For iPad, iPhone, iPod touch or Android
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
More than 240 000 books of various disciplines.
For iPad, iPhone, iPod touch or Android
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
EBSCO Publishing
EBSCO Publishing
EBSCOhost interface offer variety of full text databases:
Academic Search Ultimate. More than 13,000 peer-reviewed journals in various scientific fields. List of journals >>>
Business Source Ultimate. Over 6,000 peer-reviewed journals on business, management, economics and related topics. Articles, reviews, studies, reports and books on business topics. List of journals >>>;
eBook Open Access Collection Open access ebooks in various fields of science from academic publishers.
ERIC. Articles, research, conference reports, theses and dissertations in the fields of education and pedagogy. List of journals >>>;
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition. Medical and related scientific journals. List of journals >>>;
Health Source - Consumer Edition. Popular health and medical journal. List of journals >>>;
MasterFILE Premier. Directories, magazines and periodicals from all around the world. List of publications >>>;
MEDLINE. Bibliographic information on medical topics;
Newspaper Source. Articles from various world newspapers, transcriptions of radio and TV shows. List of publications list >>>;
Open Dissertations. Dissertations and master's theses in various fields of science from more than 250 world universities.
Virtual guide
EBSCO mobile App (Apple ir Android)
EBSCO Mobile App - Tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
EBSCOhost interface offer variety of full text databases:
Academic Search Ultimate. More than 13,000 peer-reviewed journals in various scientific fields. List of journals >>>
Business Source Ultimate. Over 6,000 peer-reviewed journals on business, management, economics and related topics. Articles, reviews, studies, reports and books on business topics. List of journals >>>;
eBook Open Access Collection Open access ebooks in various fields of science from academic publishers.
ERIC. Articles, research, conference reports, theses and dissertations in the fields of education and pedagogy. List of journals >>>;
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition. Medical and related scientific journals. List of journals >>>;
Health Source - Consumer Edition. Popular health and medical journal. List of journals >>>;
MasterFILE Premier. Directories, magazines and periodicals from all around the world. List of publications >>>;
MEDLINE. Bibliographic information on medical topics;
Newspaper Source. Articles from various world newspapers, transcriptions of radio and TV shows. List of publications list >>>;
Open Dissertations. Dissertations and master's theses in various fields of science from more than 250 world universities.
Virtual guide
EBSCO mobile App (Apple ir Android)
EBSCO Mobile App - Tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Emerald Core eJournals Collection
Emerald Core eJournals Collection
Full text journals in humanities and social sciences.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Emerald video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Full text journals in humanities and social sciences.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Emerald video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Emerald Engineering eJournals Collection
Emerald Engineering eJournals Collection
Full-text journals in technological sciences.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Emerald video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Full-text journals in technological sciences.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Emerald video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL)
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL)
2095 journals, standards, IEEE and IET Annual Conferences starting from 1936 and up to the current year in electronics, electrical engineering, computing, telecommunications, aviation, transport, biomedicine, energy, robotics, optics and related fields.
Webinar record „How to find a topic for my thesis?“ >>>
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
2095 journals, standards, IEEE and IET Annual Conferences starting from 1936 and up to the current year in electronics, electrical engineering, computing, telecommunications, aviation, transport, biomedicine, energy, robotics, optics and related fields.
Webinar record „How to find a topic for my thesis?“ >>>
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
IOPscience EXTRA
IOPscience EXTRA
Journals in physics and related sciences.
List of subscribed journals >>>
IOPscience video publishing >>>
VILNIUS TECH Library has an access to IOPscience journals archive 1874-1999 >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Journals in physics and related sciences.
List of subscribed journals >>>
IOPscience video publishing >>>
VILNIUS TECH Library has an access to IOPscience journals archive 1874-1999 >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)
Video platform with 25,000 videos for learning, training and research. The content includes laboratory experiments and research in physics, nature, medicine, psychology, engineering, statistics, environmental protection and other sciences. Textual information and magazine articles are also included with the videos. The contents of the journals are carefully selected by editors and experts, all JoVE articles are indexed in PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Scopus and other important databases.
*Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication. Creating an account allows usage even without connecting to the university computer network. When registering an account use or email address.
Video platform with 25,000 videos for learning, training and research. The content includes laboratory experiments and research in physics, nature, medicine, psychology, engineering, statistics, environmental protection and other sciences. Textual information and magazine articles are also included with the videos. The contents of the journals are carefully selected by editors and experts, all JoVE articles are indexed in PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Scopus and other important databases.
*Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication. Creating an account allows usage even without connecting to the university computer network. When registering an account use or email address.
JSTOR Collections
JSTOR Collections
High-quality archival journals and primary source content in one collection. This database includes 4454 academic journals on various subjects: literature, history, politics, psychology, economics, business, life and natural sciences, arts, and more.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
High-quality archival journals and primary source content in one collection. This database includes 4454 academic journals on various subjects: literature, history, politics, psychology, economics, business, life and natural sciences, arts, and more.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Kaunas University of Technology e-books
Kaunas University of Technology e-books
548 e-books on environment, chemistry, economics, electrical and electronic engineering, information technology, mechanical engineering, management topics and etc. List of available ebooks >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
548 e-books on environment, chemistry, economics, electrical and electronic engineering, information technology, mechanical engineering, management topics and etc. List of available ebooks >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
OnArchitecture (EBSCO)
OnArchitecture (EBSCO)
Online library of original architecture and design-related videos. The collection features video interviews with influential contemporary architects from around the world, who talk about their work, design processes. Video content is enriched with relevant information about the buildings and installations that are showcased, such as technical specifications, project briefs and corporate profiles.
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Online library of original architecture and design-related videos. The collection features video interviews with influential contemporary architects from around the world, who talk about their work, design processes. Video content is enriched with relevant information about the buildings and installations that are showcased, such as technical specifications, project briefs and corporate profiles.
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Passport (Euromonitor International)
Passport (Euromonitor International)
Reports, analysis and statistical information on industries, companies, economies and consumers in more than 210 countries.
Passport webinar for Universities >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Reports, analysis and statistical information on industries, companies, economies and consumers in more than 210 countries.
Passport webinar for Universities >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
SAGE IMechE Journals
SAGE IMechE Journals
Journals on engineering topics.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Journals on engineering topics.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
SAGE Journals Online
SAGE Journals Online
More than 1000 journals from a wide range of disciplines.
List of subscribed journals >>>
SAGE Journals Online video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
More than 1000 journals from a wide range of disciplines.
List of subscribed journals >>>
SAGE Journals Online video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Science Direct
Science Direct
Over 2000 journals in varies fields of science.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Over 2000 journals in varies fields of science.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
eBooks Subject Collection (Science Direct)
eBooks Subject Collection (Science Direct)
More than 48 591 Elsevier ebooks in various fields of science. List of available ebooks >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
More than 48 591 Elsevier ebooks in various fields of science. List of available ebooks >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Scopus – bibliographic database for the evaluation and analysis of research output.
Scopus video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Scopus video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Scopus AI
Scopus AI
Intuitive and intelligent search tool, powered by generative artificial intelligence and content indexed in Scopus DB.
This tool can be accessed from the Scopus database (from local University’s network, through a VPN service or with personal Scopus user account; more information >>>, in the tab “General information” -> “Scopus user account“)
Intuitive and intelligent search tool, powered by generative artificial intelligence and content indexed in Scopus DB.
This tool can be accessed from the Scopus database (from local University’s network, through a VPN service or with personal Scopus user account; more information >>>, in the tab “General information” -> “Scopus user account“)
Springer Journals
Springer Journals
More than 1000 journals from a wide range of disciplines.
List of subscribed journals >>>
SpringerLink video tutorial >>>
VILNIUS TECH Library has an access to Springer Link Archive. List of journals >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
More than 1000 journals from a wide range of disciplines.
List of subscribed journals >>>
SpringerLink video tutorial >>>
VILNIUS TECH Library has an access to Springer Link Archive. List of journals >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
SpringerLink eBooks
SpringerLink eBooks
SpringerLink Computer Science Collections Books 2011-2012 Full-text electronic books. Available Computer Science collections published in 2011-2012.
SpringerLink Engineering Collections Books 2011-2012 Full-text electronic books. Available Engineering collections published in 2011-2012.
SpringerLink E-books of various collections purchased at the request of VILNIUS TECH lecturers.
SpringerLink video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
SpringerLink Computer Science Collections Books 2011-2012 Full-text electronic books. Available Computer Science collections published in 2011-2012.
SpringerLink Engineering Collections Books 2011-2012 Full-text electronic books. Available Engineering collections published in 2011-2012.
SpringerLink E-books of various collections purchased at the request of VILNIUS TECH lecturers.
SpringerLink video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
A global data and business intelligence platform offering a comprehensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights, covering a wide range of topics and facts from 170 industries and over 150 countries.
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Taylor & Francis eBooks
Taylor & Francis eBooks
Taylor & Francis multidisciplinary e-books acquired for perpetual use >>>
Books marked DRM-Protected can be read by up to 3 users at a time.
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Taylor & Francis multidisciplinary e-books acquired for perpetual use >>>
Books marked DRM-Protected can be read by up to 3 users at a time.
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Taylor & Francis journals
Taylor & Francis
Multidisciplinary journals in varies fields of science.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Taylor & Francis Online offer an innovative Text to Audio option for all journal content.
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Multidisciplinary journals in varies fields of science.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Taylor & Francis Online offer an innovative Text to Audio option for all journal content.
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Visible Body Suite
Visible Body Suite
3D resources for human anatomy, physiology and the health sciences.
To start using this database, connect to Visible Body for the first time from the VILNIUS TECH computer network or from home via VPN* and create an account by clicking "Log in" and select VB Suite. With an account, you can connect to the database from anywhere, download information, store it and share it with others.
More detailed information about the use and capabilities of the database, webinars are provided Visible Body on YouTube.
*Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication
3D resources for human anatomy, physiology and the health sciences.
To start using this database, connect to Visible Body for the first time from the VILNIUS TECH computer network or from home via VPN* and create an account by clicking "Log in" and select VB Suite. With an account, you can connect to the database from anywhere, download information, store it and share it with others.
More detailed information about the use and capabilities of the database, webinars are provided Visible Body on YouTube.
*Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication
Verslo žinios. Premium
Verslo žinios. Premium
The only business news portal in Lithuania.
Business and political updates, event analysis, expert commentary and forecasts, trends, stock market updates, currency exchange rates, companies, people, and solutions.
To use the subscription service, registration is required. Use your institutional email address for registration:, You will receive an email with login credentials.
University students and staff can contact crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOnByZW51bWVyYXRhQHZlcnNsb3ppbmlvcy5sdCIgdGFyZ2V0PSJfYmxhbmsiPnByZW51bWVyYXRhQHZlcnNsb3ppbmlvcy5sdCA8L2E+:xxfor various technical inquiries.
The only business news portal in Lithuania.
Business and political updates, event analysis, expert commentary and forecasts, trends, stock market updates, currency exchange rates, companies, people, and solutions.
To use the subscription service, registration is required. Use your institutional email address for registration:, You will receive an email with login credentials.
University students and staff can contact crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOnByZW51bWVyYXRhQHZlcnNsb3ppbmlvcy5sdCIgdGFyZ2V0PSJfYmxhbmsiPnByZW51bWVyYXRhQHZlcnNsb3ppbmlvcy5sdCA8L2E+:xxfor various technical inquiries.
Wiley Online Library
Wiley Online Library
Over 1000 journals in varies fields of science.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Wiley Online Library video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Over 1000 journals in varies fields of science.
List of subscribed journals >>>
Wiley Online Library video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)
Web of Science (Calrivate Analytics)
Bibliographic citation database.
Web of Science video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Bibliographic citation database.
Web of Science video tutorial >>>
Access is available from VILNIUS TECH computer network or via VPN. As a security measure, two-factor authentication is additionally required (i.e. verification from mobile device app or by call)
Writefull helps researchers and students improve their written English. So much more than simply a grammar and spelling checker, it suggests improvements to academic language usage, such as sentence structures in scientific writing, discipline-specific vocabulary and appropriate word choice.
Writefull for Word provides real-time language feedback on the text you write in your Word document.
To create an account click the "Sign in" button in the Word toolbar to open the Writefull sign up / sign in screen, click ‘Don’t have an account?’, enter institutinal email (, and create password (NOT institutional password) then click "Sign up". You will then receive a confirmation email, to verify your newly created account.
Writefull for Word user guide >>>
Writefull Revise
"Writefull Revise" screens text for correctness of grammar, word use, style, and more. It can be used by students and researchers to upload and check the language quality of a text they have already written, and to ensure that any language mistakes are corrected.
To use the "Writefull Revise" tool, you must create a personal account with an institutional email address. email address: @, @ (for security purposes please do NOT use institutional password).
Writefull Cite
"Writefull Cite" screens texts for citation completeness, highlighting sentences that should be supported by a reference. It can be used by students and researchers to check for citation completeness within their text, to ensure that claims are supported by references as appropriate.
To use the "Writefull Cite" tool, you must create a personal account with an institutional email address. email address:, (for security purposes please do NOT use institutional password).
Writefull helps researchers and students improve their written English. So much more than simply a grammar and spelling checker, it suggests improvements to academic language usage, such as sentence structures in scientific writing, discipline-specific vocabulary and appropriate word choice.
Writefull for Word provides real-time language feedback on the text you write in your Word document.
To create an account click the "Sign in" button in the Word toolbar to open the Writefull sign up / sign in screen, click ‘Don’t have an account?’, enter institutinal email (, and create password (NOT institutional password) then click "Sign up". You will then receive a confirmation email, to verify your newly created account.
Writefull for Word user guide >>>
Writefull Revise
"Writefull Revise" screens text for correctness of grammar, word use, style, and more. It can be used by students and researchers to upload and check the language quality of a text they have already written, and to ensure that any language mistakes are corrected.
To use the "Writefull Revise" tool, you must create a personal account with an institutional email address. email address: @, @ (for security purposes please do NOT use institutional password).
Writefull Cite
"Writefull Cite" screens texts for citation completeness, highlighting sentences that should be supported by a reference. It can be used by students and researchers to check for citation completeness within their text, to ensure that claims are supported by references as appropriate.
To use the "Writefull Cite" tool, you must create a personal account with an institutional email address. email address:, (for security purposes please do NOT use institutional password).
- Page administrators:
- Jolanta Juršėnė
- Asta Katinaitė-Griežienė
- Olena Dubova
- Orinta Sajetienė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė