VILNIUS TECH international
International projects
International cooperation projects (Erasmus+, etc.)
International cooperation projects (Erasmus+, etc.)
VILNIUS TECH is involved in a wide range of collaborative activities aimed at building of the strong partnership network in Europe and around the globe, creating new solutions for university modernisation, sharing the EU values, best practices and experience.
Programme | Name | Acronym | Duration | VILNIUS TECH role | Responsible Faculty/Unit |
Erasmus+ Higher education student and staff mobility | Erasmus+ student and staff exchange between programme countries | Erasmus+KA131 | 2022-2024 | Coordinator | International Relations Office |
2023-2025 | |||||
2024-2026 | |||||
Erasmus+ student and staff exchange between programme and partner countries | Erasmus+KA171 | 2022-2025 | Coordinator | ||
2023-2026 | |||||
2024-2027 | |||||
Partners4Value | P4V | 2023-2025 | Coordinator | ||
Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education | Fostering sustainable University-industry Techno-entrepreneurial Collaborations and innovations in Asian universities | FOUNTAIN | 2022-2024 | Partner | Faculty of Civil Engineering |
New master’s degree and training course programs in the field of medical engineering in Uzbekistan | UzMedEn | 2022-2024 | Partner | Faculty of Mechanics | |
Innovative Mobility attracting Tools for Latin America | I-MAT | 2022-2024 | Partner | International Relations Office | |
Erasmus+ Partnerships for Innovation | AIware: The Artificial Intelligence-Aware Classroom | AIware | 2023-2026 | Partner | Faculty of Creative Industries |
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in higher education | Complete study abroad experience – International Mental Health Program | COSTABEX | 2021-2024 | Partner | International Relations Office |
Embracing Rapid Application Development (RAD) Skills Opportunity as a Catalyst for Employability and Innovation | RAD-Skills | 2022-2024 | Coordinator | Faculty of Fundamental Sciences | |
VISKI education - Challenge Based Learning Tool to Visualise Skills and Competences for Life-long Learning | VISKI education | 2022-2024 | Partner | Faculty of Business Management | |
Sustainable Construction with Bio-Composite Materials | BIO-FIBRE | 2022-2024 | Partner | Faculty of Civil Engineering | |
Transformational Learning Network for Resilience - Enabling Ukrainian Higher Education to Ensure a Sustainable and Robust Reconstruction of (post-war) Ukraine | TransLearnN | 2023-2025 | Partner | Faculty of Civil Engineering | |
MICE.N.E. – MICE Next Evolution | MICE | 2023-2025 | Partner | Faculty of Business Management | |
Innovative Higher Education in Sustainable Timber Construction | TimberEDU | 2023-2026 | Partner | Faculty of Civil Engineering | |
Linguistic diversity in European Maritime Higher Education | MAR-LANG | 2022-2024 | Partner | LAJM | |
AI in the Creative Industry: Understanding the Impact and Driving Process Innovation | AICI | 2023-2026 | Partner | Faculty of Creative Industries | |
Digital Manufacturing in 3D Printing for Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Aerospace Applications | DIGI3D | 2024-2027 | Partner | Antanas Gustaitis Aviation Institute | |
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training | Virtual Reality for Vocationally Oriented Language Learning | VR-VOLL | 2021-2024 | Partner | Faculty of Creative Industries |
Unlocking the Potential of Immersive Literary and Film Tourism in Europe | UPLIFT | 2024-2026 | Partner | Knowledge and Technology Transfer Centre | |
Seafarers Experience Appealing For Shore | SEA4SHORE | 2024-2026 | Partner | Lithuanian Maritime Academy | |
SEAfarers Experiential Knowledge Based MENTORS | SEAMENTORS | 2022-2024 | Partner | Lithuanian Maritime Academy | |
Maritime Simulators and Training Facilities Network for Enhancing the Exchange of Good Practices and Digital Learning |
MARSNET | 2022-2024 | Partner | Lithuanian Maritime Academy | |
Digital Response to Unemployment Problems in Western Balkans | DRUPWB | 2023-2025 | Coordinator | Creativity and Innovation Centre "Linkmenų fabrikas" | |
Women Empowered in Construction | WEC | 2024-2026 | Partner | Knowledge and Technology Transfer Centre | |
Empowering Learning Through Virtual And Augmented Training Experiences | ELEVATE | 2024-2026 | Partner | Faculty of Creative Industries | |
Old Labour Virtues for Shaping the Working World of Tomorrow | LV4WWW | 2024-2027 | Partner | Faculty of Business Management | |
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in youth | Young European Storytellers For Social Change | YES 4 CHANGE | 2022-2025 | Partner | Knowledge and Technology Transfer Centre |
Patent Entrepreneurship for Migrant | PatENT | 2023-2026 | Partner | Knowledge and Technology Transfer Centre | |
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in School Education | Challenging of Pre-schools for Innovative and Creative Environment | CHILD | 2022-2024 | Partner | Faculty of Creative Industries |
Erasmus+ virtual exchanges in higher education and youth | Enriching Youth Digital, Media, and Soft Skills Using Virtual Mobility Experiences in Sub-Saharan Africa and the EU | DigiTREE | 2024-2027 | Partner | International Relations Office |
Erasmus Mundus | Designing an Erasmus Mundus Master on Sustainable Materials, products and Technologies | SMART | 2024-2025 | Partner | Faculty of Mechanics |
European Master on Embedded Intelligence Nanosystems Engineering – from Nanoscale Technologies to Ubiquitous Smart Sensors | EMINENT | 2023-2029 | Partner | Faculty of Electronics | |
NORDPLUS | Future-Looking Network of Competencies for Emerging Education in Engineering Green Industry | ENERGYCOM 2023 | 2023-2024 | Coordinator | Faculty of Electronics |
Building Capacity of Future Engineers for Secure, Energy-efficient Autonomous Systems | ENERGYCOM 2024 | 2024-2025 | Partner | Faculty of Electronics | |
Baltic-Nordic Network on Education in Survey Statistics | _ | 2024-2025 | Coordinator | Faculty of Fundamental Sciences | |
Digital Europe | Master of Science in Smart, Secure and Interconnected Systems | MERIT | 2022-2026 | Partner | Faculty of Fundamental Sciences |
EDIH VILNIUS: accelerating green and digital transformation in Vilnius region | EDIH VILNIUS | 2023-2025 | Partner | Knowledge and Technology Transfer Centre | |
Connecting Women in Tech | WIDCON | 2025-2026 | Partner | Faculty of Fundamental Sciences | |
National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC Phase 2 | EuroCC 2 | 2023-2025 | Partner | Faculty of Fundamental Sciences | |
The Housing Decarbonisation Skills for Climate, Health, and Jobs | Skills4Deca | 2024-2028 | Partner | Faculty of Civil Engineering | |
Other programmes | Nature Future Green Leaders | TUNE | 2024-2027 | Partneris | Faculty of Civil Engineering |
Advanced tools for Behavioural Change in Energy Consumption for Higher Education Stakeholders | ABCinEnergy | 2024-2027 | Partner | Faculty of Business Management | |
Sailing Acceleration through Vocational Excellence and Innovation | SeaAhead | 2024-2027 | Partner | Lithuanian Maritime Academy |
- Page administrators:
- Lina Dragel
- Lina Petrauskienė
- Mantė Taser
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė
- Monika Daukintytė