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Doctoral Studies
Suggested dissertation topics 2025
Environmental Engineering
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Dissertation topics in Environmental Engineering science field:
PFAS uptake in the soil–plant system
Prof. Dr Edita Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė (Publications)
Improvement of bioplastics degradability by microbial consortium using the bioaugmentation approach
Prof. Dr Edita Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė (Publications)
Improvement of bioplastics degradability by microbial consortium using the bioaugmentation approach
Dr Saloua Biyada (Publications)
Investigation of mycotexture properties and the use of fungal mycelium in the production of acoustic materials
Assoc. Prof. Dr Raimonds Grubliauskas (Publications)
Research and analysis of the acoustic properties of composite panels made from aquatic plants
Assoc. Prof. Dr Tomas Januševičius (Publications)
Research on geodetic surfaces modelling for solutions of environmental engineering tasks
Prof. Dr Eimuntas Kazimieras Paršeliūnas (Publications)
Investigation of mycotexture properties and the use of fungal mycelium in the production of acoustic materials
Assoc. Prof. Dr Raimonds Grubliauskas (Publications)
Research and analysis of the acoustic properties of composite panels made from aquatic plants
Assoc. Prof. Dr Tomas Januševičius (Publications)
Research on geodetic surfaces modelling for solutions of environmental engineering tasks
Prof. Dr Eimuntas Kazimieras Paršeliūnas (Publications)
Dissertation topics in Environmental Engineering science field by VILNIUS TECH Departments:
Department of Environmental Protection and Water Engineering
PFAS uptake in the soil–plant system
Prof. Dr Edita Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė (Publications)
Investigation of mycotexture properties and the use of fungal mycelium in the production of acoustic materials
Assoc. Prof. Dr Raimonds Grubliauskas (Publications)
Research and analysis of the acoustic properties of composite panels made from aquatic plants
Assoc. Prof. Dr Tomas Januševičius (Publications)
Prof. Dr Edita Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė (Publications)
Investigation of mycotexture properties and the use of fungal mycelium in the production of acoustic materials
Assoc. Prof. Dr Raimonds Grubliauskas (Publications)
Research and analysis of the acoustic properties of composite panels made from aquatic plants
Assoc. Prof. Dr Tomas Januševičius (Publications)
Department of Geodesy and Cadastre
Research on geodetic surfaces modelling for solutions of environmental engineering tasks
Prof. Dr Eimuntas Kazimieras Paršeliūnas (Publications)
Prof. Dr Eimuntas Kazimieras Paršeliūnas (Publications)
Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering
Improvement of bioplastics degradability by microbial consortium using the bioaugmentation approach
Dr Saloua Biyada (Publications)
Dr Saloua Biyada (Publications)
- Page administrators:
- Vaiva Miškinytė
- Vida Sviackevičienė
- Jelena Kabulova
- Jurgita Kunigonienė
- Daiva Versekėnienė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė
- Monika Daukintytė