Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH) has a proud tradition of learning and teaching which dates back to its foundation year in 1956 when Kaunas Polytechnic Institute established the Vilnius Evening Division. From that point forward, the evening college grew to become a fully-fledged independent university with its own charter.
1 September 1956 – Kaunas Polytechnic Institute (KPI) establishes the Vilnius Evening Division and appoints Assoc. Prof. Jeronimas Kudaba (1909-1992), a specialist in chemistry, as inaugural Dean.
1 July 1960 – KPI Vilnius Evening Faculty is established following the restructure of KPI Vilnius Evening Division, and a Dean of Faculty is appointed. Professor Aleksandras Cyras has responsibility for departments of Civil Engineering, Electrotechnics, and Applied Mechanics. Over 500 students are enrolled for study.
6 July 1961 – A further restructure establishes the KPI Vilnius Branch which has two divisions: the day-time and evening studies. Professor Cyras is appointed Vice-Rector and under his guidance student numbers continue to grow. Two new faculties are founded, comprising Manufacturing of Production Instruments and Mechanical Technologies.
In 1962 – 78 engineering specialists are the first to graduate.
On 18 December 1962 the newly-established Scientific Council agrees on the design for a new building to accomodate the growing institution.
1 September 1964 – a new faculty opens for business, The Faculty of Construction Economics. Four years later on 1 September 1968 the Department of Urban Construction is established.
1 September 1969 – KPI Vilnius Branch is renamed Vilnius Civil Engineering Institute (VISI), as an independent institute providing higher technical education. Professor Cyras is appointed its first Rector and has responsibility for 26 departments, 290 teachers 3 451 students.
1 September 1971 – The Faculty of Architecture is established, followed by the Faculty of Construction Economics (1 September 1975) and the Department of Municipal Economy in 1987.
7 February 1990. VISI elects Dr. habil. Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas as its Rector, and on 31 October in the same year the Lithuanian Supreme Council renames VISI as Vilnius Technical University (VTU).
20 March 1991 – VTU adopts a new Statute which is approved by the Lithuanian Supreme Council in the following year on 2 July.
New curricula and programmes are developed for new specialties and specializations consistent with the Western model of education. VTU now has faculties of Architecture, Construction, Engineering Communications, Mechanics and Electronics.
In 1993 – the Aviation Institute is founded to train aviation engineers, pilots, air traffic control specialists. In the same year faculties of Business Management and Fundamental Sciences are established and in 1994 the Faculty of Transport Engineering is founded.
22 August 1996 – The Lithuanian Government bestows on Vilnius Technical University the name of an ancient Lithuanian Grand Duke, Gediminas. From this time onwards it is known as Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU).
20 June 2002 – VGTU’s Senate elects as rector, Professor Dr. habil. Romualdas Ginevicius. In 2006 VGTU celebrates its 50th anniversary.
6 November 2010 – VGTU Alumni (past and present) meet in a body as the first Congress of VISI.
15 March 2011 – the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (Parliament) approves a Statute which designates VGTU a public organization, and no longer a state budget institution.
8 September 2011. The Council of VGTU elects a new rector, Professor Alfonsas Daniunas.
3 December 2015, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University established unique Creativity and Innovation Centre "LinkMenų fabrikas".
28 May 2016, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University celebrated it’s 60th anniversary. Also the second VGTU Alumni Congress was held.
7 June 2016, Prof. doc. dr. Alfonsas Daniūnas was re-elected Rector of VGTU for a second term.
1 September 2020, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University changed its brand. Not only the university logo was renewed. The long name - Vilnius Gediminas Technical University – stayed the same, but the abbreviation VGTU was changed to VILNIUS TECH.
20 October 2021, The Senate elected Prof. Dr. Romualdas Kliukas as the Rector of VILNIUS TECH.
28 October 2021, the Senate approved the team of the newly elected Rector.
3 November 2021, the newly elected Rector of VILNIUS TECH and his team took the office.
- Page administrators:
- Monika Daukintytė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė
- Monika Daukintytė