Creators for tomorrow are rewarded now: GERAS 2025
This week, the GERAS 2025 awards were handed out to the students of the Faculty of Architecture (FA) of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH).
On Tuesday evening, the piano in Vilnius Old Town invited everyone to come to the exhibition of the best courseworks presented by VILNIUS TECH. During the event, it was possible to hear the thoughts of the young creators, get to know them and their work.
The Dean of the FA, prof. dr. Dalia Dijokienė, welcoming the students, emphasised human values and invited them not to stop on their way by sharing a story: "The King received a ring as a gift and asked the sage to think of something to engrave on it. The phrase had to be such that the king would not despair in times of disaster and would not boast in case of great fortune. The sage returned the ring to the king with the inscription: "It will not always be so".
The 40 best course projects in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Industrial Product Design were awarded at a student-organised event. During the evening, guests had a chance to see the exhibition and vote for the most memorable authors.
"The exhibited projects speak not only about individual work, but also about the collective progress of the Faculty of Architecture," Paulina Avižienytė, the Head of the FA Students' Representatives (SR), congratulated the community. VILNIUS TECH SR President Ervin Borkovski congratulating the students also noted that each student's project is exceptional and worthy of attention.
The Architecture Student Club enriched the event by inviting people to join the RADAROM campaign, and in return for their support for Ukraine, they shared merchandise of the legendary SIKON, postcards and books of "Statyba ir architektūra".
GERAS Awards is an annual event of VILNIUS TECH FA that brings together the community, students, teachers, alumni, partners and everyone interested in architecture and design. The 16-year ongoing event has become a student tradition to celebrate the potential of the younger generation.
Prof. Gintaras Čaikauskas encouraged the students to approach their journey with a dynamic attitude: "Remember that there is always another project. Then you can start again and you know that you will succeed."
Every year, architectural studio "Architektūros linija" awards a special nomination to the most outstanding author. This year, the Architects' Studio awarded and offered an internship opportunity to Matas Motiejauskas. All GERAS nominees were awarded prizes by the event sponsors, and a musical performance was given by Liepa Vasiliauskaitė, a student of the Faculty of Creative Industries.
The audience gave the most votes to: Vakare Budrytė (Architecture. Department of Architecture), Beata Lonska (Architecture. Department of Urban Design), Valentina Kločko (Landscape Architecture), Beatričė Purytė (Industrial Product Design).
All nominees of the Faculty of Architecture GERAS: Kotryna Balčiūnaitė, Kamilė Baltrūnaitė, Paulius Bogavičius, Vakarė Budrytė, Agneta Butkutė, Ugnė Butrimavičiūtė, Rugilė Čemerytė, Matas Dijokas, Ana Dubova, Ahsen Gazel Er, Gabrielė Grigaitė, Aleksandra Kapyrina, Gabrielė Karžinauskaitė, Maryam Kazamifard, Linda Kepežinskaitė, Valentina Kločko, Kajus Len, Beata Lonska, Ieva Medelytė, Adriana Meilūnaitė, Matas Motiejauskas, Akmal Nasirov, Shahanaz K Navas, Laura Norkūnaitė, Dainora Norvilaitė Uscilienė, Aistė Pakamorytė, Agna Petkevičiūtė, Andrius Pucėta, Beatričė Purytė, Valdas Razma, Dovydas Ruškys, Urtė Sakalauskaitė, Agnė Savickaitė, Lukrecija Simutytė, Erika Shalchiutie, Ingrida Stonytė, Edgaras Stuopelis, Giedrė Vainorienė, Aistė Vaitkutė, Simonas Žemaitis.
Sponsors and Partners: 2L Architects, Architektūros linija, BONOBO climbing, Brasa, Idėja 3D, DO ARCHITECTS, Kukurūzų kaimas, Leidykla LAPAS, Lietuvos meno pažinimo centras TARTLE, MO muziejus, Neostandartas, Skanios knygos, SP Architektų grupė, Statyba ir Architektūra, VILNIUS TECH Alumni klubas.
On Tuesday evening, the piano in Vilnius Old Town invited everyone to come to the exhibition of the best courseworks presented by VILNIUS TECH. During the event, it was possible to hear the thoughts of the young creators, get to know them and their work.
The Dean of the FA, prof. dr. Dalia Dijokienė, welcoming the students, emphasised human values and invited them not to stop on their way by sharing a story: "The King received a ring as a gift and asked the sage to think of something to engrave on it. The phrase had to be such that the king would not despair in times of disaster and would not boast in case of great fortune. The sage returned the ring to the king with the inscription: "It will not always be so".
The 40 best course projects in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Industrial Product Design were awarded at a student-organised event. During the evening, guests had a chance to see the exhibition and vote for the most memorable authors.
"The exhibited projects speak not only about individual work, but also about the collective progress of the Faculty of Architecture," Paulina Avižienytė, the Head of the FA Students' Representatives (SR), congratulated the community. VILNIUS TECH SR President Ervin Borkovski congratulating the students also noted that each student's project is exceptional and worthy of attention.
The Architecture Student Club enriched the event by inviting people to join the RADAROM campaign, and in return for their support for Ukraine, they shared merchandise of the legendary SIKON, postcards and books of "Statyba ir architektūra".
GERAS Awards is an annual event of VILNIUS TECH FA that brings together the community, students, teachers, alumni, partners and everyone interested in architecture and design. The 16-year ongoing event has become a student tradition to celebrate the potential of the younger generation.
Prof. Gintaras Čaikauskas encouraged the students to approach their journey with a dynamic attitude: "Remember that there is always another project. Then you can start again and you know that you will succeed."
Every year, architectural studio "Architektūros linija" awards a special nomination to the most outstanding author. This year, the Architects' Studio awarded and offered an internship opportunity to Matas Motiejauskas. All GERAS nominees were awarded prizes by the event sponsors, and a musical performance was given by Liepa Vasiliauskaitė, a student of the Faculty of Creative Industries.
The audience gave the most votes to: Vakare Budrytė (Architecture. Department of Architecture), Beata Lonska (Architecture. Department of Urban Design), Valentina Kločko (Landscape Architecture), Beatričė Purytė (Industrial Product Design).
All nominees of the Faculty of Architecture GERAS: Kotryna Balčiūnaitė, Kamilė Baltrūnaitė, Paulius Bogavičius, Vakarė Budrytė, Agneta Butkutė, Ugnė Butrimavičiūtė, Rugilė Čemerytė, Matas Dijokas, Ana Dubova, Ahsen Gazel Er, Gabrielė Grigaitė, Aleksandra Kapyrina, Gabrielė Karžinauskaitė, Maryam Kazamifard, Linda Kepežinskaitė, Valentina Kločko, Kajus Len, Beata Lonska, Ieva Medelytė, Adriana Meilūnaitė, Matas Motiejauskas, Akmal Nasirov, Shahanaz K Navas, Laura Norkūnaitė, Dainora Norvilaitė Uscilienė, Aistė Pakamorytė, Agna Petkevičiūtė, Andrius Pucėta, Beatričė Purytė, Valdas Razma, Dovydas Ruškys, Urtė Sakalauskaitė, Agnė Savickaitė, Lukrecija Simutytė, Erika Shalchiutie, Ingrida Stonytė, Edgaras Stuopelis, Giedrė Vainorienė, Aistė Vaitkutė, Simonas Žemaitis.
Sponsors and Partners: 2L Architects, Architektūros linija, BONOBO climbing, Brasa, Idėja 3D, DO ARCHITECTS, Kukurūzų kaimas, Leidykla LAPAS, Lietuvos meno pažinimo centras TARTLE, MO muziejus, Neostandartas, Skanios knygos, SP Architektų grupė, Statyba ir Architektūra, VILNIUS TECH Alumni klubas.
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Photos: Aleksas Jaunius
- Page administrators:
- Monika Daukintytė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė
- Monika Daukintytė