VILNIUS TECH international
Successful Conclusion of VILNIUS TECH & ATHENA PhD Summer School
Successful Conclusion of VILNIUS TECH & ATHENA PhD Summer School
The 2nd VILNIUS TECH & ATHENA PhD Summer School 2024 has concluded successfully, marking a week of intensive learning, collaboration, and professional development for doctoral students from around the world. Hosted by the Doctoral School of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH) in partnership with the ATHENA European University Alliance, this event brought together a vibrant and diverse group of young researchers to enhance their academic and professional skills.
Throughout the week, participants engaged in a variety of workshops and seminars led by distinguished professors and researchers. These sessions covered crucial topics such as creativity in science, academic writing, and the importance of networking. The emphasis on soft skills development was a key highlight, with sessions designed to improve participants' abilities in communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
"We are proud of the success of this year's summer school," said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Skirmantė Mozūriūnaitė, the head of VILNIUS TECH Doctoral School. "The participants showed remarkable enthusiasm and dedication, and we are confident that the skills and connections they have gained here will significantly benefit their future careers."
One of the standout sessions was the icebreaker led by VILNIUS TECH lecturer David Reid Anderson, which highlighted the importance of creativity in scientific research. Professor Dr. Anssi Juotsiniemi from Oulu University, Finland, also conducted an impactful workshop on academic writing, teaching students how to communicate their research to a broader audience effectively. Other notable lecturers included Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Petridis from Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece, who led sessions on science communication and presentation, and Prof. Dr. Toby Erik Wikström from the University of Iceland, who conducted workshops on successful thesis presentation and effective scientific career strategies.
The event's diverse and international audience added to the richness of the experience. Students from various fields and countries had the opportunity to share their research, learn from each other, and establish valuable professional networks. Participants included representatives from ATHENA European University Alliance members and other universities – representing 13 countries in total.
The closing ceremony featured reflections from participants and organizers, celebrating the achievements and insights gained over the week. "Networking with such a diverse group of researchers has been incredibly beneficial," said one of the participants. "The knowledge and skills I've acquired here are invaluable, and I look forward to applying them in my research and future endeavors."
As the event concludes, the ATHENA European University Alliance looks forward to continuing its support for the professional development of young researchers through such initiatives. Plans are already underway for next year's PhD Summer School, promising another enriching experience for future participants.
What is the ATHENA European University Alliance?
VILNIUS TECH is part of the ATHENA European University Alliance, which constantly offers mobility and development opportunities for students and staff. The ATHENA alliance members are universities in ten European countries (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, and Ukraine).
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- Lina Dragel
- Lina Petrauskienė
- Mantė Taser
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- Monika Daukintytė