VILNIUS TECH together with Lithuanian Social Research Centre has a right to organize PhD studies in Economics science field.
Faculty of Business Management has 3 departments where PhD programme is organized on the basis of economics and financial economics:
Department of Business Technologies and Entrepreneurship
Department of Economics Engineering
Department of Financial Engineering
The main scientific research areas involves:
Integrated management of business value and risk;
Impact of foreign direct investment on country economy;
Decisions of optimal investment postfolio formation and investment allocation;
Development trends ofLithuanian commercial banks in the context of financial risks;
Modeling of financial system development solutions;
Formation of efficient country investment strategy;
Modeling of universally sustainable development management;
Problems and possibilities of company activity diversification;
Application of multicriteria evaluation methods to solve economic development and innovation fostering challenges.
- Page administrators:
- Vaiva Miškinytė
- Vida Sviackevičienė
- Jelena Kabulova
- Jurgita Kunigonienė
- Daiva Versekėnienė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė
- Monika Daukintytė